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Is inflating a tire a chemical change or physical change?
Is inflating a flat tire a chemical change? It is nothing chemically changed about it. It’s a physical change. Air is only compressed.
Is filling a tire with air a chemical change?
Top it off! It’s never a good idea to drive on an under-inflated tire. Using compressed air in tires that have previously been filled with nitrogen will not harm your tires. While mixing the two won’t result in an adverse chemical reaction, it will dilute the purity of the nitrogen and lessen its effectiveness.
Why a tire is inflated is a physical change?
Explanation: It is a physical change because the physical form of it has changed not the chemical composition.It is not a irreversible change because we can reverse the change if the tyre is inflated and make it deflated.
Is a bike chemical change?
If you have ever left your bicycle in the rain you probably know it is called rust. Chemical reactions may also produce heat, light, bubbles or color changes. When the bike rusted, the metal turned a different color so we know that a chemical reaction occurred between the bike and the water.
Is balloon popping a physical or chemical change?
Explanation: It is a physical change because there is an increase in air pressure inside the balloon. When the balloon bursts then it becomes small in respect to when it was having air inside it.
What is flammability a physical or chemical change?
The change of one type of matter into another type (or the inability to change) is a chemical property. Examples of chemical properties include flammability, toxicity, acidity, reactivity (many types), and heat of combustion.
Is baking soda and vinegar a physical or chemical change?
A chemical reaction is a process in which substances undergo a chemical change to form a different substance. Mixing baking soda and vinegar will create a chemical reaction because one is an acid and the other a base.
Is paper towel absorbs water a chemical change?
Paper towel absorbs water. Combining hydrogen and oxygen to make water is a physical change. Breaking up concrete is a physical change. Sand being washed out to sea from the beach is a chemical change.
Is luster a physical or chemical?
1.4 Physical and Chemical Properties. The physical properties of minerals include name, crystal system, color as it appears to the naked eye, streak by rubbing on streak plate, luster, hardness on the Mohs scale, and average specific gravity.
What type of change inflating of a balloon is?
reversible change
Inflating a balloon is a reversible change. When air is blown into a balloon, its shape and size change and the balloon gets inflated. Now when the air filled in the balloon is allowed to escape, the balloon comes back to its original size and shape. Hence, inflating a balloon is a reversible change.