Is aunt a proper nouns?

Is aunt a proper nouns?

The noun “aunt” (lower case a) is a common noun as a general word for a sister of your mother or your father. The noun “Aunt” (capital A) is a proper noun as the title of a specific person.

Is Aunt Sally a common noun?

GRAMMATICAL CATEGORY OF AUNT SALLY Aunt Sally is a noun. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

Is aunt Jane a proper noun?

If the word “aunt” is used as a common noun (person, place, or thing) and NOT a specific person, place, or thing (proper noun), then capitalization is not needed. Proper noun = Aunt Jane = a specific person.

Is aunt and uncle a common noun?

Similarly, other kinship titles like grandma, grandpa, aunt, and uncle are capitalized when used in place of a person’s name but lowercased when used as common nouns.

Is it my aunt or my aunt?

In a title, “aunt” is capitalized. When used generically in a sentence such as: “my aunt said to visit her,” then the word “aunt” is lowercase because it is a generic noun. Correct: The other day I went shopping with my aunt.

What are five proper nouns?

Proper Nouns

common noun proper noun
man, boy John
woman, girl Mary
country, town England, London
company Ford, Sony

Is Thursday a proper noun?

Thursday Thursday (proper noun) Tomorrow is Wednesday, and the day after tomorrow is Thursday.

Is teacher a proper noun?

Teacher – Proper Noun, lessons – Common Noun.

Is sister a proper noun?

The noun sister can be used as either a proper or common noun. It is a proper noun when used as a title, as in Sister Maria led the other nuns in…

When should the word aunt be capitalized?

Correct: The other day I went shopping with my aunt. However, when referring to an aunt by name such as “Aunt Audrey,” then the word aunt is capitalized because it is a part of the name so it becomes a proper noun. This is also true when asking a question of your aunt.

Is family a proper noun?

The noun “family” is usually a common noun, but it can be used as a proper noun as well.

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