In which part of India is tank irrigation popular?

In which part of India is tank irrigation popular?

Tank irrigation is found more popularly in rocky plateau areas of the country especially in the plateau region of Southern India. The states in which they are practised mainly are Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. Andhra Pradesh has the largest number of tank irrigation.

In which part of India is tank irrigation more popular and why?

Tank irrigation is popular in South India because of the following reasons: i. South India does not have perennial rivers and hence the tanks form an important source of irrigation.

Which state has largest tank irrigation?

Tank irrigation is highest in which of the following states of India? Notes: Tank irrigation is highest in the state of Andhra Pradesh (32%). In the areas of the peninsular India tank is a significant source of irrigation.

Why is tank irrigation more popular in peninsular India?

Tank irrigation is more popular in south India because rainfall is followed by a very dry season. There is no continuous rain. Apart from this, relief is undulating and presence of hard rocks in peninsular India make it difficult to dig canals. So tank irrigation is preferred.

Is tank irrigation popular in Northern Plains?

Tank irrigation is an important method of irrigation in Karnataka. Although expensive, yet sprinkler irrigation is gaining popularity in recent times.

Why is tank irrigation not popular in North India?

The plainy region and soft rocks of the north makes it easy to dig canals and wells . There is large percolation of rain water due to porous rock structureso that enough ground water is available in large quantities. 3. The unscattered nature of population and agricultural fields also doesnt favours tank irrigation.

Why was tank irrigation popular in coastal states of Tamil Nadu and Kerala?

The undulating relief and hard rocks make it difficult to dig canals and Wells. There is a little percolation of rain water due to hard rock structure and ground water is not available in large quantities.

Which state is first in tank irrigation?

If the contribution of tank irrigation in the total irrigated land is estimated, Tamil Nadu ranks first with 18.42% of total irrigated land. It is followed by Odisha (14.60 %), Andhra Pradesh (13.44 %), Kerala (10.26 %) and Karnataka (6.36 %). They are natural and do not involve heavy cost for their construction.

Which state in India has highest irrigated land?

Punjab leads the country’s States and UT s in terms of land under irrigation, with 98.8 per cent of its crop land under irrigation.

Where are tanks widely used in India Why?

Why? Tanks are widely used in the peninsular plateau because the undulating surface forms natural depressions and the streams and river there has water only during rains.

Why is tank irrigation not popular in North and canal irrigation in South?

In which part of India are tanks used commonly for irrigation and domestic needs?

Tank irrigation is popular in the peninsular plateau area where Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are the leading states. Andhra Pradesh is the largest state of tank irrigation where 727 thousand hectares are irrigated by tanks. Andhra Pradesh has about 28.8 per cent of tank irrigated area of India.

Which is the leading state for tank irrigation in India?

Tank Irrigation is popular in the peninsular plateau area where Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu are the leading states. Andhra Pradesh has the largest area (29%) of tank irrigation in India followed by Tamil nadu (23%). There is little percolation of water due to hard rock structure and ground water is not available in large quantities.

Are there any tank irrigation in Andhra Pradesh?

As a result of these, tank irrigation is prominent in these areas. This study is primarily concerned with small reservoirs. Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu have thousands of old tanks in various stages of maintenance.

How is tank irrigation different from other sources of irrigation?

Tank irrigation is comparatively costlier than the other sources of irrigation. Tank irrigation is defined as an artificial means applied for improving the cultivation in India. Tank is a reservoir of any specific size. Tanks are an integral part of the ancient tradition of yielding and storing the water from rainfall and from streams or rivers.

Which is the first book on tank irrigation in Karnataka?

Tank irrigation in Karnataka, authored by GS Dikshit, GR Kuppuswamy, SK Mohan, and first published in 1993, provides a historical overview of this ancient method of water management. The book covers entire eras from the ancient to the current period.

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