How was Germany treated after ww1?
The treaty gave some German territories to neighbouring countries and placed other German territories under international supervision. In addition, Germany was stripped of its overseas colonies, its military capabilities were severely restricted, and it was required to pay war reparations to the Allied countries.
Why was Germany treated so harshly after ww1?
The main reasons why the Germans hated the Treaty of Versailles was because they thought it was unfair. Germany had not taken part in the Conference. They hated clause 231 – the ‘War Guilt’ clause – which stated that Germany had caused ‘all the loss and damage’ of the war.
How do we treat Germany after ww2 Is this the same as after ww1?
After WWI, the Allies did not occupy Germany or split it up or anything like that. The provisions of the Treaty of Versailles were meant to harm Germany, not to help it. After WWII, the Allies did not allow Germany to remain independent. Instead, the Allies completely took control of Germany and ran it themselves.
What did France do in World War 2?
Although France did not take part in the Conference, it was allocated an occupation zone in Germany, to be carved out in part from the British and American zones. They also adopted the principle of the dismemberment of German territory.
When did France declare war on Germany in World War 2?
France declared war on Germany on Sept. 3, 1939, becoming one of the first countries, along with Great Britain, to stand up to the Nazi regime. The declaration of war came just two days after the German army invaded and annexed Poland.
Why did France want to blockade Germany in World War 1?
Germany depended, like France and England, on overseas trade in order to continue manufacturing and, vitally, to feed itself. The Royal Navy had been ready on the first day of the War to set up the blockade of German ports, and of the neutral ports of Holland and Scandinavia which could have supplied Germany.
What did France do in the division of Europe?
Although France did not take part in the Conference, it was allocated an occupation zone in Germany, to be carved out in part from the British and American zones. They also adopted the principle of the dismemberment of German territory. As for Poland, they came to an agreement on new frontiers.