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How was 4-H founded?
1902: Youth Clubs are Formed A. B. T.A. Erickson of Douglas County, Minnesota, started local agricultural after-school clubs and fairs that same year. Jessie Field Shambaugh developed the clover pin with an H on each leaf in 1910, and by 1912 they were called 4‑H clubs.
When was 4-H invented?
1902, Clark County, Ohio, United States
What is the mission of 4-H?
The mission of 4-H is to provide meaningful opportunities for all youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change. This is accomplished within three primary content areas, or mission areas – civic engagement and leadership, healthy living, and science.
Is 4-H in Canada?
4-H Canada is an independent non-profit organization overseeing the operation of branches throughout Canada. The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, responsibility and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach.
What does 4-H really mean?
Definition of 4-H. : of or relating to a program set up by the U.S. Department of Agriculture originally in rural areas to help young people become productive citizens by instructing them in useful skills (as in agriculture, animal husbandry, and carpentry), community service, and personal development.
What does “4-H” stand for?
The first “H” in 4-H stands for Head; “Head to clearer thinking.” One of the key concepts in 4-H is education; allowing youth the opportunity to learn new things through projects and programs. 4-H allows youth to be actively engaged in their own learning.
What does 4-H mean to you?
The second “H” in 4-H stands for Heart; “Heart to greater loyalty.” In 4-H, youth are taught to be reliable and loyal in their heart and understand what is means to take responsibility for their projects and to follow through. 4-H also gives youth positive relationships with adults and peers through leaders and teens.
What countries have 4-H?
4H in Africa: Tanzania, Ghana, Kenya, Ethiopia and South Africa. The building of a global 4-H network, 4-H has been in existence in Africa since 1962 with the largest program in Kenya.