How old is Alan Moore?
67 years (November 18, 1953)
Alan Moore/Age
Where is Alan Moore from?
Northampton, United Kingdom
Alan Moore/Place of birth
Where does Alan Moore live?
Northampton, England
He has lived a significant portion of his life in Northampton, England, and he has said in various interviews that his stories draw heavily from his experiences living there.
Is Alan Moore married?
Melinda Gebbiem. 2007
Phyllis Moorem. 1974–1989
Alan Moore/Spouse
Why does Alan Moore hate Stan Lee?
While Alan Moore criticised the quality of Lee’s later work, he argued that the writers who came behind Lee were in his debt.
Does Alan Moore like V for Vendetta?
Alan Moore was notoriously unhappy with the movie version of V For Vendetta. He thought it took his Thatcher era parable and neutered it by leaving out the words ‘fascism’ and ‘anarchy’ (I think he’s a bit cranky; good stories can keep their impact and meaning when transposed into new scenarios and over new ideas.
Why did Alan Moore leave comics?
Citing an industry shift in the demographics of comics’ target audience, Alan Moore declared he has no intention of ever returning to work in comic books. He’s more than entitled to his opinion on the state of the industry, especially given how a certain company milks the frag out of his work.
How many issues of Swamp Thing did Alan Moore write?
In many ways The Saga of the Swamp Thing is the godfather of the mature readers targeting Vertigo movement that swept the late 80’s and 90’s, perhaps unsurprising when you consider Watchmen writer Alan Moore was on the book for well over 40 issues.
Do Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy get along?
10 Great Together: Connection To The Green The Green is an elemental force that Ivy and Swamp Thing use to connect to all plant life. Their connection to the Green allows them to control plant life as well as tune in with plants around the world.