How old do you have to be to visit court?
There is no admission for children under 14 and proof of age may be requested by security. Visitors who wish to watch court proceedings from the public galleries are requested to dress appropriately or entry to the court building will be refused.
Can a 10 year old testify in court?
Generally, children as young as three or four years old may qualify to testify, but some children are simply too young or too immature to be competent witnesses. In order to determine whether a child is competent, the judge interviews the child, usually in the judge’s chambers or in a closed courtroom.
Can you depose a minor?
Thus, parties generally have a right to depose a child who has information relevant to the case. That right, however, is subject to conditions designed to reduce the child’s stress and trauma.
Where can I send a bad kid?
There are many places to consider to send your child, including boot, wilderness and therapeutic camps.
- Boot Camp. The traditional style of boot camps entail strict, military-like discipline, drills as well as fear and intimidation.
- Wilderness Camp.
- Therapeutic Camp.
- Residential Treatment Centers.
Can my mom take my phone if my dad pays for it?
Yes. Your mom can take the phone away or ask for a password.
How old do you have to be to be on the Supreme Court?
There are no explicit requirements in the U.S. Constitution for a person to be nominated to become a Supreme Court justice. No age, education, job experience, or citizenship rules exist.
How old do you have to be to have a legal guardian?
Note: If you have a legal guardian, all of the information in this section about parents applies to your legal guardian and your case, too. You will need permission from your parents and the court. You need permission from your parents, and the armed forces must accept you. You are at least 14 years old.
Can a lawyer speak for a child in juvenile court?
The judge may ask you questions or you may be a witness in the case. You can ask to talk to the judge. But the lawyer will speak for your child and the district attorney will speak for the state. Your child has the right to have an interpreter. You may be able to have one, too.
When does a child become a legal adult?
Emancipation is a legal way for children to become adults before they are 18. Once a child is emancipated, his or her parents do not have custody or control of him or her anymore.