How much money do you need to buy a house in Seattle?

How much money do you need to buy a house in Seattle?

By one estimate, a household would need to make nearly $107,000 a year to afford a home in the Seattle-Tacoma-Bellevue area with a 20% down payment. With less money to put down, you need an even higher income. For a buyer putting 10% down, the salary threshold increases to about $125,000.

What is the Puget Sound used for?

Humans have long relied on the Puget Sound watershed for healthy food and clean water and the other services it provides. Puget Sound supports a large part of our state’s economy and provides vital recreational, spiritual, and other essential quality of life benefits.

What is the average cost of a house in Washington?

Median home price in Washington

Year Median
Year 2020 Median $452,400
Year 2019 Median $397,900
Year 2018 Median $362,100
Year 2017 Median $348,900

Is buying a condo in Seattle a good investment?

There are a lot of good reasons to buy a condo versus a traditional home or a townhouse. It is a more affordable entrance to many of Seattle’s urban villages and it provides a shared responsibility for caring for a building. Condos are a lot less maintenance for individual owners and may relieve some stress.

What is the minimum down payment on a house in Washington state?

Home buyers in Washington State can qualify for conventional financing with a down payment as low as 3% of the purchase price. The LTV numbers above are just averages — not minimums. However, just remember that PMI will be required for conventional loans with down payments less than 20%.

Are people leaving Seattle?

Why so many are leaving the Emerald City in their rearview. According to data provided by the United States Postal Service, over 70,000 people moved out of the Emerald City from January 2020-January 2021. This is the first drop of any kind in the city’s population in nearly 40 years.

What kind of animals live in Puget Sound?

Harbor seals are the most abundant marine mammal in Puget Sound. Curious, but shy, they prefer quiet, unpopulated areas. Seals often haul out on protected beaches and rocks to digest food, rest in the sun, give birth, or nurse young. At any sign of danger they slip into the water where they swim with grace.

Where is the Puget Sound region in Washington?

The Puget Sound region is a coastal area of the Pacific Northwest in the U.S. state of Washington, including Puget Sound, the Puget Sound lowlands, and the surrounding region roughly west of the Cascade Range and east of the Olympic Mountains. It is characterized by a complex array of saltwater bays, islands,…

What makes the Puget Sound a great place to live?

Puget Sound’s climate, extensive shoreline, nutrient-rich waters, and diverse habitats sustain a variety of wildlife. It is also a place of tremendous natural beauty with its mountains, rugged coastline, and evergreen forests.

Where does Puget Sound Energy get its power from?

Puget Sound Energy is the largest energy utility in the state, providing electric power to more than 1 million customers. Approximately 46 percent of the electricity PSE customers use comes from our own power plants.

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