How much does a typical bale of hay cost?

How much does a typical bale of hay cost?

The Price of Hay Bales By Weight

Hay Quality Bale Type Average Price
Prime Large Square $216
Large Round $195
Grade 1 Small Square $229
Large Square $177

How much is a 1200 pound bale of hay worth?

As you can see, the cost or value of the primary nutrients in a typical bermudagrass round bale is $20.30. If you add to this the cost of baling, about $15 per round bale, then your cost for a 1,200-pound round bale is now $35.30.

Why is hay so expensive now?

Drought, excessive rain and a late spring hay harvest are causing prices to rise on hay. The weather last year, over the winter of 2018-2019, and the wet end of winter this year are causing hay prices to soar, according to several sources.

How much is a acre of hay worth?

He says it costs about $297 per acre to seed and prepare hay ground. “You are going to get more than three years out of that, but if we use three years, that’s about $100 per acre per year,” Brown says. “If you are getting $125 per ton for quality hay, you are going to see a profit of $51 per ton, or $204 per acre.

How much is a bale of hay 2020?

Small square bales averaged $4.60 a bale (range of $2.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $64.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 to $90.00). Large round bale straw averaged $58.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 – $85.00). In Nebraska, hay sold steady, demand is light in 2020.

How much does a bale of hay cost 2021?

What Is the Average Price for a Bale of Hay? On average, a bale of hay costs around $15. For example, two wired Alfalfa Hay bales typically run high, costing $19.95 apiece, whereas bermudagrass is only $8.75. Timothy Hay is the most expensive, typically costing at least $20 a bale.

How much is a bail of straw?

Most farmers tend to buy large straw bales as they will likely get a good deal. Large square bale ranges from $40.00 to $90.00. Large square bale cost is averaged at $64.

How much hay can 15 acres produce?

Probably average 3000 (+/-) 40 pound bales, so 60 tons more or less! That would be a total for all cuttings taken.

How many bales of hay can you get from 10 acres?

I was told approx 100 small bales per acre. I.e. 10 acres would make about 1,000 bales.

How much does a bale of hay cost for cows?

From the hay market, square bales, on average, will cost you between $3 and $10 per bale, but some farmers prefer selling their hay per pound, in which case such a bale will be around 50 pounds.

What is hay selling for?

How much is straw worth?

Straw prices were steady and there is a demand for straw. Small square bales averaged $4.60 a bale (range of $2.00 to $6.00). Large square bale straw averaged $64.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 to $90.00). Large round bale straw averaged $58.00 per bale (a range of $40.00 – $85.00).

How much does a bale of hay cost?

Depending on the type, quality, place of harvest, and size of hay bales, you should expect to pay something between $30 and $300 per ton of hay. If you want hay to contain alfalfa or Bermuda grass, then it will be more expensive.

How much does a ton of alfalfa hay cost?

Let’s say you want to order a ton of alfalfa hay in bales, each of which weighs 120 pounds and costs $15 per pound. Here is how to find out your expenses: A ton / bale weight x bale price = 2,000 lbs. / 120 lbs. x $15 = about $250 for a ton of hay.

Why is Hay so expensive in the US?

High demand for both grass and alfalfa hays in China, Japan, and UAE where bales and tons of hay are used to feed their domesticated livestock also has an impact on the pricing in the US. The cost of fuel greatly affects the hay growers and those who are tasked to deliver the product to the sellers and wholesalers.

What was the price of ground beef in January 2016?

Retail ground beef prices in August exceed $4 for the first time in history. Retail ground beef prices in January 2016 were at $3.98/lb. Retail ground beef prices in January 2015 were at $4.24/lb. This was the highest price for retail ground beef in January in history. January retail ground beef prices first exceeded $2 for the first time in 2004.

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