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How much did Daniel Radcliffe make from the Harry Potter films?
By the fifth film Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix , Radcliffe’s contract went up to a hefty $14 million. The final novel of the series, Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows (2007), was divided into a two-part movie adaptation released in 2010 and 2011, coming out to around $20 million each for Radcliffe.
How much did Emma Watson make from Harry Potter?
How Much Did Emma Watson Make From Harry Potter? Watson is said to have earned $15-$20 million at the peak of her Harry Potter career, and after the series wrapped, she was reported to already have a net worth of $70 million due to the film franchise alone.
How much was Rupert Grint paid for Harry Potter?
He earned $4 million for 2007 “Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix”. He then earned $30 million for Deathly Hallows Parts 1 and 2, combined. After adjusting for inflation, Grint earned at least $70 million from Harry Potter base salaries alone.
How rich is Sirius Black?
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter contains lots of bits of information, like the net worths of some of the series’ most prominent characters. Sirius Black is super, duper rich, possessing a whopping 199,513 Galleons, or $1.6 million. Not bad for someone who’s a wanted man.
What is Draco Malfoy worth?
Although Harry is rich, with his net worth coming to around 2.6 million dollars in muggle money, it is nothing compared to the enormous amount of 1.6 billion dollars that make up Draco’s net worth. This topic is generally extremely interesting since it is never discussed directly in the book series.
What is Daniel Radcliffe’s net worth?
He became one of the highest paid actors in the world during the filming of the Potter films, earned worldwide fame, popularity, and critical acclaim for his role, and received many accolades for his performance in the series. As of 2019, Daniel Radcliffe’s net worth is approximately $110 Million dollars.
How old is Daniel Radcliffe?
Daniel Radcliffe is 32 years old
When is Daniel Radcliffe’s birthday?
Daniel Radcliffe was born on July 23, 1989. Harry Potter was born on July 31, 1980, a fact the books occasionally forgot and the film series dispensed with entirely. 2. Harry Potter is an orphan. Daniel Radcliffe’s parents have not yet been murdered by an evil wizard bent on world domination.