How many pages is Black Hawk Down?

How many pages is Black Hawk Down?

Black Hawk Down/Page count

What reading level is Black Hawk Down?

Black Hawk Down | Bowden, Mark | Lexile & Reading Level: 970.

Is Black Hawk Down book a true story?

Journalist and author Mark Bowden had already enjoyed a successful career when his investigation into the Battle of Mogadishu and subsequent book “Black Hawk Down” launched him into his current role as one of America’s most respected history writers.

What type of book is Black Hawk Down?

Black Hawk Down/Genres

How long is Black Hawk Down book?

Black Hawk Down (book)

First-edition cover
Author Mark Bowden
Media type Hardcover Trade paperback
Pages 320
ISBN 978-0-87113-738-8

How much did Black Hawk Down gross?

173 million USD
Black Hawk Down/Box office
Black Hawk Down finished first at the box office during its first three weeks of wide release. When the film was pulled from theatres on April 14, 2002, after its 15th week, it had grossed $108,638,746 domestically and $64,350,906 overseas for a worldwide total of $172,989,651.

Is the book Black Hawk Down based on a true story?

Although the particular mission to apprehend Aidid was officially codenamed Gothic Serpent, the media colloquially termed it the Battle of Mogadishu as well as the Battle of the Black Sea. Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War is based on a series of 29 articles written by journalist Mark Bowden for The Philadelphia Inquirer.

When did Black Hawk Down first come out?

The story first ran on Nov 16, 1997 as a 29-part newspaper series that was then adapted to an online multimedia package, a first for the Philadelphia Inquirer. Bowden had amassed a large number of notes, audiotapes, documents, photos, and radio transcripts, and worked with the digital team at the Inquirer to post it online.

Can you read Black Hawk Down on Kindle?

Start reading Black Hawk Down: A Story of Modern War on your Kindle in under a minute . Don’t have a Kindle? Get your Kindle here, or download a FREE Kindle Reading App.

What did the Americans use in Black Hawk Down?

The book details how the Americans were unprepared for some of the enemy tactics, like using Rocket-propelled-grenades (RPG’s) to attack helicopters, a trick the Afghanistan fighters taught them.

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