How many followers of Buddhism are there in the world?

How many followers of Buddhism are there in the world?

470 million followers
With about 470 million followers, scholars consider Buddhism one of the major world religions. Its practice has historically been most prominent in East and Southeast Asia, but its influence is growing in the West.

What percentage of people are Buddhist?

These six states/Uts together account for nearly 90 percent Sikh population in the country. The largest concentration of Buddhism is in Maharashtra (58.3%), where (73.4%) of the total Buddhists in India reside….Religion.

Religion Number %
Christians 24,080,016 2.3
Sikhs 19,215,730 1.9
Buddhists 7,955,207 0.8
Jains 4,225,053 0.4

Who is the 27th Buddha?

Twenty Nine Buddhas

Pāli name Incarnation of Gautama
25 Kakusandha King Khema
26 Koṇāgamana King Pabbata of a mountainous area in Mithila
27 Kassapa Jotipala (at Vappulla)
28 Gotama (current) Gautama, the Buddha

How many countries are following Buddhism?

Buddhist population by country Country/Territory Pew estimates (2010) Pew estimates (2010) Pew estimates (2010) Population % Buddhist No. of Buddhists Afghanistan 31,410,000 < 0.1% < 10,000 Albania 3,200,000 < 0.1% < 10,000 Algeria 35,470,000 < 0.1% < 10,000

How many people worldwide follow Taoism?

Approximately 2,700,000 people follow Taoism today worldwide, most of whom live in China, Taiwan, or Southeast Asia. Along with Confucianism , Taoism is one of the Chinese Traditional religion.

What countries practice Buddhism?

BUDDHISM TODAY. In the 21st century CE, it is estimated that 488 million (9-10% of the world population) people practice Buddhism. Approximately half are practitioners of Mahayana schools in China and it continues to flourish. The main countries which practice Buddhism currently are China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam.

How many people follow Shintoism?

Shinto means the way of the gods. Shintoism is an Ancient religion of Japan. It started at least as long ago as 1000 B.C.E. but is still practiced today by at least five million people. The followers of Shintoism believe that spiritual powers exist in the natural world.

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