How many calories does cooked broccoli have?

How many calories does cooked broccoli have?

Name Amount Unit
Energy 35 kcal
Energy 146 kJ
Protein 2.38 g
Total lipid (fat) 0.41 g

How many carbs are in a cup of cooked broccoli?

Broccoli Cauliflower may get most of the low-carb love, but it’s green counterpart deserves some too: 1 cup of cooked broccoli florets contains just 3 net carbs.

What is the nutritional value of 1 cup of broccoli?

Broccoli, raw, 1 cup chopped

Protein (g) 2.57
Carbohydrate, by difference (g) 6.04
Energy (kcal) 30.94
Sugars, total (g) 1.55
Fiber, total dietary (g) 2.37

Does broccoli have more calories when cooked?

We will compare raw broccoli to cooked broccoli. We will compare a 100 gram portion – about two thirds of a cup. Both have the same amount of calories: 35.

How many calories is in one broccoli?

Percent Daily Values (%DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Vegetables Serving Size (gram weight/ ounce weight) Calories Calories from Fat
Broccoli 1 medium stalk (148 g/5.3 oz) 45 0
Carrot 1 carrot, 7″ long, 1 1/4″ diameter (78 g/2.8 oz) 30 0
Cauliflower 1/6 medium head (99 g/3.5 oz) 25 0

Does broccoli help burn belly fat?

Broccoli, in particular, is such a standout among all the deep-colored veggies because it’s one of the few that contain calcium, which has been shown to increase fat loss, especially in the abdominal area.

How many calories is 5 broccoli?

Percent Daily Values (%DV) are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Vegetables Serving Size (gram weight/ ounce weight) Calories Total Fat
Asparagus 5 spears (93 g/3.3 oz) 20 0
Bell Pepper 1 medium (148 g/5.3 oz) 25 0
Broccoli 1 medium stalk (148 g/5.3 oz) 45 0.5

Does toasting bread reduce calories?

“Toasting bread does not change the composition of the bread. So, unfortunately, no, it does not reduce the calorie content. It may, [however], change the flavor!”

Do foods lose calories when cooked?

Yes, the calorie count of a food item changes when it is cooked, but the method of cooking also plays a major role in it. The calorie count alters depending on how you are cooking it – whether you are boiling it or stir-frying.

Is broccoli high in carbs?

One cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli contains 6 grams of carbs, 2 of which are fiber (8). It also provides more than 100% of the RDI for vitamins C and K. Summary Broccoli contains 4 grams of digestible carbs per serving. It’s high in vitamins C and K and may reduce insulin resistance and help prevent cancer.

What are the nutritional facts of broccoli?

Raw broccoli contains almost 90% water, 7% carbs, 3% protein, and almost no fat. Broccoli is very low in calories, providing only 31 calories per cup (91 grams). The nutrition facts for 1 cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli are (3): Calories: 31. Water: 89%. Protein: 2.5 grams.

How many calories in roasted Broccoli?

There are 94 calories in 1 serving of roasted broccoli. Calorie breakdown: 44% fat, 40% carbs, 16% protein.

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