How many bales of cotton were produced in Georgia?

How many bales of cotton were produced in Georgia?

Cotton is the most widely grown row crop in Georgia. Georgia had 1.29 million cotton acres planted and produced an average yield of 675 lb/A. Georgia produced 1.8 million bales of cotton.

How many bales of cotton did Georgia produce in 1860?

By 1860, Georgia alone produced 701,840 bales of cotton, establishing it as the fourth-largest cotton-growing state. Only Mississippi (1,195,699 bales), Alabama (997,978 bales) and Louisiana (722,218 bales) produced more cotton.

How many bales of cotton did Georgia produce before the cotton gin?

In 1790, before the Whitney gin, almost all of the 3,000-plus bales of cotton made were sea-island cotton. By 1860, almost all of the 3.8 million bales grown were short-staple varieties.

How much cotton does Georgia produce per year?


Commodity Planted All Purpose Acres Production
COTTON 1,190,000 2,180,000 480 LB BALES

What county in Georgia produces the most cotton?

External sites

Top Cotton Producers
County Name Value
Seminole $1,866,942,000
Dooly 55,928,272
Worth 32,577,110

Where was cotton first grown in Georgia what was it called?

In 1786, sea island (also known as long-staple) cotton was introduced and successfully cultivated along the coast of Georgia.

How much cotton did the United States produce in 1791 1801 1860?

The quantity of cotton manufactured in the United States in 1791 was about 5,500,000 pounds; in 1801, 9,000,000; in 1811, 17,000,000; in 1821,50,000,000; in 1831, 77,500,000; in 1841, 97,500,000; and in 1850, 245,250,000 pounds; those quantities being exclusive of the consumption of Virginia and the States south and …

How many slaves did Georgia have before the Civil War?

In 1820 the enslaved population stood at 149,656; in 1840 the enslaved population had increased to 280,944; and in 1860, on the eve of the Civil War (1861-65), some 462,198 enslaved people constituted 44 percent of the state’s total population.

What is Georgia number 1 crop?

Georgia is perennially the number one state in the nation in the production of peanuts, broilers (chickens), pecans, blueberries and spring onions. We are also at or near the top when it comes to cotton, watermelon, peaches, eggs, cucumbers, sweet corn, bell peppers, tomatoes, cantaloupes, rye and cabbage.

What is Georgia’s largest cash crop?

Take a look at Georgia’s top agricultural products, based on cash receipts.

  • Broilers – Consistently the state’s top commodity, broiler production in 2011 topped the national charts with 1.38 billion head.
  • Cotton – Ranking No.
  • Peanuts – The official state crop of Georgia raked in $1.1 billion in 2013.

What rank is Georgia in cotton?

Georgia ranks third nationally in cotton production and acres planted, and UGA Extension continues to aid in the growth of cotton production. Cotton-related professions provide 53,000 jobs in the state of Georgia, and cotton’s overall impact exceeds $3 billion.

What were the four major cotton-producing states before 1860?

The relative importance of South Carolina cotton declined somewhat over the course of the nineteenth century, leaving Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana as the four major cotton-producing states. On the eve of the Civil War, those four states combined to raise more than half of the world’s cotton.

How many bales of cotton did Georgia produce?

Thereafter cotton production began to decline at an alarming rate, from an historical high of 2.8 million bales in 1914 to merely 600,000 bales by 1923. As late as 1983, Georgia produced only 112,000 bales of cotton on 115,000 acres of harvested land.

When did they start trapping cotton in Georgia?

In 1987, Georgia began the active treatment and trapping phase of an eradication program that has helped return cotton to its former prominence in the state.

How much cotton was grown in the United States in 1914?

In 1914, the U.S. grew two-thirds of the cotton used in the world. That amounted to more than 16 million bales of raw cotton – each bale weighing 600 pounds – that were processed into thread, woven into cloth and then sewn into clothing or other fabric items.

How did the boll weevil affect cotton in Georgia?

This pest is certainly the most important factor on cotton production due to its tremendous impact on the way cotton is grown, not only in Georgia but the south as well. This is the boll weevil. The first question must be, what is a boll weevil and how did it get here?

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