How many $500 bills are there left?

How many $500 bills are there left?

The most common $500 bill is the aforementioned 1934 Federal Reserve Note featuring McKinley. Over 900,000 of these bills were printed; however, less than 75,000 are believed to still be in circulation today and therefore available to collectors.

How many $1000 bills are in circulation?

As of January 14, 2020, only 336 $10,000 bills were known to exist, along with 342 remaining $5,000 bills and 165,372 remaining $1,000 bills.

How much US currency is in circulation?

There is about $1.2 trillion dollars of U.S. currency in circulation.

When did the US stop making 500 dollar bills?

On July 14, 1969, the Department of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve System announced that currency notes in denominations of $500, $1,000, $5,000, and $10,000 would be discontinued immediately due to lack of use. Although they were issued until 1969, they were last printed in 1945.

Does the US still print 500 dollar bills?

The U.S. does not have any $500 bills in circulation. There were a variety of $500 notes printed in the past, the most recent being the 1934 series Federal Reserve Note. Those notes are still legal tender, but are mostly in the hands of collectors and dealers.

Do they still make 500 or 1000 dollar bills?

Since 1969, the $500 bill has been officially discontinued according to the Federal Reserve high-denomination bills. This included the $500 dollar bill, the $1,000 dollar bill, the $5,000 dollar bill, and the $10,000 dollar bill. Whenever a bank receives one of those bills, they’re instructed to send it in for destruction.

Do they still make 500 dollar bills?

The $500 bill dates to 1918 when ​ Chief Justice John Marshall ‘s face initially appeared on the denomination. The Fed and Treasury discontinued the $500 bill in 1969 for lack of use. It was last printed in 1945, but the Treasury says Americans continue to hold the notes .

Do they still print $500 dollar bills?

The last $500 bill rolled off the presses in 1945, and it was formally discontinued 24 years later in 1969. Like all the bills featured here, the $500 bill remains legal tender .

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