How is the velocity of blood flow related to the cross sectional area of the blood vessel quizlet?

How is the velocity of blood flow related to the cross sectional area of the blood vessel quizlet?

Velocity of blood flow is inverse to the total cross sectional area of the blood vessels. As the total cross sectional area increases, the velocity of flow decreases. Blood slow is slowest in the capillaries to allow time for the exchange of gases and nutrients.

What is cross sectional area of a blood vessel?

The cross sectional area, of any part of the vasculature is taken as the sum of all the vessels at that level and not of a single vessel individually.

What is the relationship between blood vessel length and blood flow rate directly proportional?

Blood vessel length is directly proportional to resistance and inversely proportional to blood flow.

What is the relationship between a change in the radius of a vessel and the flow volume through that vessel?

It is important to note that a small change in vessel radius will have a very large influence (4th power) on its resistance to flow; e.g., decreasing vessel diameter by 50% will increase its resistance to flow by approximately 16 fold. Importantly, flow will only occur when a pressure difference exists.

What is the relationship between total blood flow pressure gradient and resistance quizlet?

Blood flow is directly proportional to the pressure gradient. Blood flow is inversely proportional to resistance. Increase in cross-sectional area causes the velocity of blood flow to to decrease.

When the cross-sectional area of the vascular system increases the velocity of blood flow?

As the cross-sectional area increases, velocity decreases. Arteries and veins have smaller cross-sectional areas and the highest velocities, whereas capillaries have the most cross-sectional area and the lowest velocities. The vasculature also gives resistance. Resistance is R= (8*viscosity*length)/(πr^4).

What does total cross-sectional area mean?

Term. total cross sectional area. Definition. sum of diameters of all vessels of a certain type. Location.

What is total cross-sectional area?

The total cross-sectional area (AT) occupied by a given segment or type of blood vessel, e.g., the capillaries, can be calculated as the product of the average cross-sectional area and the total number (N) of such vessels. AT = Nπ r2.

What is the relationship between blood vessel length and blood flow?

Vessel Length and Diameter The length of a vessel is directly proportional to its resistance: the longer the vessel, the greater the resistance and the lower the flow. As with blood volume, this makes intuitive sense, since the increased surface area of the vessel will impede the flow of blood.

Is the relationship between blood vessel length and blood flow rate directly proportional or inversely proportional Why?

Blood flow would decrease because of friction between blood cell and vessel wall. Is the relationship between blood vessel length and blood flow rate directly proportional or inversely proportional. Why? Inversely proportional because w/ increase of length, there is decrease in flow rate and vice versa.

Why is the relationship exponential between radius and blood flow rate?

Small changes in radius causes large changes in fluid flow (since the radius is raised to the 4th power). This yields an exponential increase in fluid flow as the radius increases.

What can you conclude about the relationship between radius and flow?

Increase in radius causes increase in blood flow rate.

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