How far is Venus from the Sun compared to other planets?

How far is Venus from the Sun compared to other planets?

On average, the distance to Venus from the sun is 67 million miles (108 million km). At its closest (perihelion), it is only 66.7 million miles away (107 million km); at its farthest (aphelion), only 67.7 million miles (108.9 million km) separate the two.

How far is Venus from the Sun exactly?

The true average distance from the Sun to Venus is about 108,000,000 km (67,000,000 miles) or 0.7 AU.

Is Venus the 2nd closest to the Sun?

Kid-Friendly Venus Venus is the second planet from the Sun and Earth’s closest planetary neighbor. Even though Mercury is closer to the Sun, Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system.

What planet is the most distance from the Sun?

Pluto is currently the most distant planet from the Sun, though as you probably know Pluto was “demoted” to dwarf planet status in August 2006.

What is each Planets distance from the Sun?

Planet (or Dwarf Planet) Distance from the Sun (Astronomical Units miles km)
Venus 0.723 AU 67.2 million miles 108.2 million km
Earth 1 AU 93 million miles 149.6 million km
Mars 1.524 AU 141.6 million miles 227.9 million km
Jupiter 5.203 AU 483.6 million miles 778.3 million km

What are the distances between the planets?

What is the distance from Venus to earth?

Average Distance from Earth to kilometers and miles
Mercury 155 million km
Venus 170 million km
Mars 253 million km
Jupiter 787 million km

What are the planets distance from the Sun in KM?

Distance of the planets from the Sun

Planet Distance from the Sun Diameter
Venus 108,200,000 km (0.723 AU) 12,104 km
Earth 149,600,000 km (1.000 AU) 12,756 km
Mars 227,940,000 km (1.524 AU) 6,805 km
Jupiter 778,330,000 km (5.203 AU) 142,984 km

What are the 3 planets closest to the Sun?

The order of the planets in the solar system, starting nearest the sun and working outward is the following: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and then the possible Planet Nine. If you insist on including Pluto, it would come after Neptune on the list.

What is each planets distance from the sun?

What type of planet is Venus?

terrestrial planet
Venus is a terrestrial planet. It is small and rocky. Venus has a thick atmosphere.

How far apart are the planets from each other?

The distance between Venus and Earth varies depending on where the two planets are in their orbits….What is the distance from Venus to earth?

Average Distance from Earth to kilometers and miles
Sun 149.6 million km (93 million miles)
Mercury 155 million km
Venus 170 million km
Mars 253 million km

Is Venus’s the closest planet to Sun?

Venus isn’t the brightest planet in the sky because it is the closest to the sun; Mercury bears that honor. But unlike Mercury, Venus has a thick, cloudy atmosphere that reflects the light better…

What is the distance between Venus and the Sun?

It takes 88 Earth days to orbit the Sun. Venus. Venus is the second closest planet to the Sun. The closest distance between Venus and the Sun is 107 million kilometers or 66 million miles, the farthest is 109 million kilometers or 68 million miles, with an average distance of 108 million kilometers or 67 million miles.

How far is the planet Venus from the Sun in AU?

To put it another way, Venus orbits the Sun at an average distance of 0.723 AU , which ranges from 0.718 AU at its closest to 0.728 AU at its farthest.

What planets are closest to the Sun?

In our solar system, there are four terrestrial planets, which also happen to be the four closest to the sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars.

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