How does Ralph assert his dominance as chief at the end of Chapter 4?

How does Ralph assert his dominance as chief at the end of Chapter 4?

This is a reference to a specific moment in Chapter 4, where Ralph is said to have inadvertently “asserted his chieftainship” better through casual passive aggression than if he had thought about an alternative plan for days.

How does Ralph abuse his power?

I can sing C sharp’” (Golding 22). After losing the election to Ralph, he became the head of the hunters. Here he abused the miniscule powers given to him over the small group of boys formerly known as the “choir”. Jack had him by the hair and was brandishing his knife.” (Golding 114).

What gives Ralph his power?

While meandering at the shore, they find a conch shell. The boys decide that they must choose a leader and since Ralph was the one to blow the conch shell and have a meeting, he is the natural choice of leader according to the boys. They vote him as leader.

How has Ralph’s position of leadership and authority changed since the beginning of the story?

Ralph has changed because at first he saw his job as leader as a sport or fun, but now Ralph sees his job as a serious responsibility and is starting to figure out what the boys need to do in order to survive. Overall, he is starting to long for civilization, authority, and grown-ups.

What action does Ralph take at end of Chapter 4?

Ralph calls the meeting at the end of chapter four in order to “put things straight,” as a way to vent his frustrations at the hunters for letting the fire go out, but also to assert his role as chief and emphasize the importance of maintaining the smoke signal at all times (79).

What does Ralph do in Chapter 4 of Lord of the Flies?

In this chapter, Ralph takes a stand against Jack. Ralph saw a ship and ran to see if the fire was going. To his astonishment, the fire was out because those that should have been watching it left with Jack to hunt. When they return, Ralph stands up to Jack and makes him rebuild the fire.

How does Ralph assert his leadership in the Outsiders?

However, once again he is unable to control the boys, and most of them run off to play, leaving only Ralph and Simon to continue struggling with the shelters. Ralph’s most effective display of leadership is when he learns the signal fire has gone out when the boys kill their first pig.

What did Ralph do when he became chief?

The first thing Ralph does upon becoming chief is to grant shared power to Jack. Ralph is perceptive enough to notice Jack’s mortification at being voted down, so he is “eager to offer something.” He concedes that the choir still belongs to Jack and lets Jack choose what they are to be.

Why does Ralph want to hold the conch?

Ralph appreciates that the conch needs to be held in order for everyone to listen. Ralph is bent on making sure that the boys build shelters and maintain a fire and do things in an orderly in order to be to be rescued.

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