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How does neem leaves look like?
The compound leaves have toothed leaflets and are typically evergreen but do drop during periods of extreme drought. The small fragrant white flowers are bisexual or staminate (male) and are borne in clusters in the axils of the leaves. The fruit is a smooth yellow-green drupe and has a sweet-flavoured pulp.
What is the size shape and colour of neem tree?
The opposite, simple pinnate (once-divided) leaves are 20-40 cm long, with 20-31 medium to dark green leaflets about 3-8 cm long. The leaf stalks (petioles) are short. Very young leaves are reddish to purplish in colour. The shape of mature leaflets is more or less asymmetric and their margins are toothed (dentate).
How is neem leaf?
Neem leaf is used for leprosy, eye disorders, bloody nose, intestinal worms, stomach upset, loss of appetite, skin ulcers, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (cardiovascular disease), fever, diabetes, gum disease (gingivitis), and liver problems. The leaf is also used for birth control and to cause abortions.
What is the colour of neem leaf?
Neem, a tree of many uses It has compound leaves of nine to 15 leaflets which are dark green in colour. The fruits are yellow-green to green, smooth, olive-shaped and about 2 cm in length, with a sweet pulp enclosing a seed.
What is the Venation of neem leaf?
reticulate venation
Both Neem and Mint leaves have reticulate venation, which means that the veins Venation is the pattern of veins in a leaf blade.
What are the features of neem?
Neem trees are fast-growing, medium-sized trees, usually attaining a height of 50 to 65 feet. Its trunk is short and straight with deeply fissured bark. The pinnate leaves are purple-red when young, developing to a medium green color when mature.
What type of leaf venation is neem?
What is the Colour of neem leaf?
How big are the flowers on a neem tree?
Natural hybrids between A. indica and A. Siamensis , found in Thailand on places where both species grow together, have an intermediate position regarding the shape and consistency of the leaflets. The white, gragrant flowers are arranged in axillary, normally more or less drooping panicles which are up to 25 cm long.
What kind of venation does a neem have?
Both, Neem and Mint leaves have reticulated venation in which the veins of the leaf run parallel from its base to the tip. What is the shape of leaves of neem tree? Neem leaves are medium to large in size and elongated to oblong in shape, averaging 20-40 centimeters in length.
Where does neem occur in the South Pacific?
In the South Pacific neem occurs in the Fiji Islands. In Australia it was first introduced about 60-70 years ago. In Indonesia, neem exists mainly in the low-lying northern and eastern parts of Java and in the frier islands to the east (Bali, Lombok, Sumbawa).
What is the morphology of a plant leaf?
Morphology of Leaf. Leaves are flattened lateral outgrowths of the stem which are generally green m colour and form the foliage of a plant. A typical leaf of two main parts: an expanded blade or lamina, and a stalk called the petiole, by which the leaf is attached to the stem. In some cases, the blade may not have any petiole in which case