How do you use subsistence in a sentence?

How do you use subsistence in a sentence?

Examples of subsistence in a Sentence They depended on hunting and fishing for subsistence. Farming is their means of subsistence.

What do u mean by subsistence?

the providing of sustenance or support. means of supporting life; a living or livelihood. the source from which food and other items necessary to exist are obtained.

What is an example of subsistence?

Subsistence farming is the kind of farming done by farmers who have small plots, enough only for themselves. Subsistence farming may also mean shifting farming or nomadic herding (see nomadic people). Examples: A family has only one cow to give milk only for that family.

What is subsistence in your own words?

Subsistence is defined as the very basic necessities of life. Farming to provide yourself with the necessary food to eat is an example of subsistence. Means of support or livelihood; often, specif., the barest means in terms of food, clothing, and shelter needed to sustain life. noun. The quality of being inherent.

How do you use aplomb in a sentence?

Examples of ‘aplomb’ in a sentence aplomb

  1. She performed the task with great aplomb.
  2. Kept cool to take his winner with great aplomb.
  3. He did not pull off this task with quite so much aplomb.
  4. He carried his weight with considerable aplomb.

Is food a subsistence?

Subsistence is the tax definition of food and drink. The expense must be reasonable and must be incurred as a direct result of being required to travel for your work.

What is subsistence of marriage?

The subsistence of a valid marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 are as follows: Thus, where the parties are not legally married or the marriage was not subsisting at the time of petition, the question of granting of decree of restitution of conjugal rights does not arise.

Is Subsistently a word?

subsisting, existing, or continuing in existence. inherent: subsistent qualities of character.

What is subsistence in business?

In accounting, the word subsistence is used to describe any transactions that relate to the consumption of food and drink. For example, if you purchase coffee for the office or pay for lunch for a client, these would be known as subsistence expenses.

What is aplomb?

: complete and confident composure or self-assurance : poise She played several roles with equal aplomb.

What is another word for aplomb?

Some common synonyms of aplomb are assurance, confidence, and self-possession. While all these words mean “a state of mind or a manner marked by easy coolness and freedom from uncertainty, diffidence, or embarrassment,” aplomb implies a manifest self-possession in trying or challenging situations.

What is a subsistence payment?

Travel and subsistence expenses are an amount paid out to an employee, by their employer, to cover costs associated with official visits or business travel. These expenses typically include travel, food and drink and lodging, as well as other associated outlay.

What does the word subsistence mean in English?

In other languages subsistence. British English: subsistence NOUN. Subsistence is the condition of just having enough food or money to stay alive. …below the subsistence level. American English: subsistence. Brazilian Portuguese: subsistência. Chinese: 生存. European Spanish: subsistencia.

What does it mean to live on the edge of subsistence?

Subsistence is the condition of just having enough food or money to stay alive. …below the subsistence level. The standard of living today is on the edge of subsistence. Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands. Many of them are subsistence farmers and live in poverty.

What does it mean to be a subsistence farmer?

Food is provided by subsistence farming. They are primarily subsistence farmers, growing maize and other staple crops. No, we do not want you to stay as subsistence farmers. His father is a retired police constable, who is now a subsistence farmer selling rice. He sometimes gives interviews that make it sound as though they’re subsistence farmers.

What does the word subsistence mean in Namibia?

2. adjective [ADJECTIVE noun] In subsistence farming or subsistence agriculture, farmers produce food to eat themselves rather than to sell. Many black Namibians are subsistence farmers who live in the arid borderlands.

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