How do you save cheats on Star Wars Force Unleashed?
ENABLE save game WITH cheats ON The game cannot be saved when non-costume codes are enabled. To bypass this, enable the code on a level that has an auto-save point. After reaching that location, intentionally die or press Start. Exit to the main menu then select “Continue”.
How do you play as Darth Vader in the force unleashed?
You can choke Wookies. LucasArts has revealed that you will be able to play as Darth Vader in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. You will fill his leather boots for the entire first level as you seek out the boy who eventually becomes the game protagonist: the Secret Apprentice.
How do you block in the Force Unleashed PC?
Press and hold [Block]. Blocking can reflect blaster fire and helps deflect Lightsaber attacks.
How do you force choke in force unleashed?
Press ‘Y’ on the controller. Playstation 3- Only Darth Vader can use this ability. Press the Triangle button on the controller.
How do you unlock all costumes Force Unleashed 2?
Unlockable Costumes
- Experimental Jedi Costume – Finish the game while earning the Light Side ending.
- Saber Guard Costume – Earn a silver medal in Cloning Spire Trial.
- The Dark Apprentice’s Robes – Finish the game while earning the Dark Side ending.
- Tie Flightsuit – Finish Kamino The Escape.
How do you unlock all lightsabers in force unleashed?
Enter KATARN as a code. Enter COUNTDOOKU as a code. Enter LIGHTSABER as a code. Enter GRANDMOFF as a code to unlock all costume.
Can starkiller force choke?
It’s not a stretch, either – both Starkiller and Vader can freely Force-choke their victims to death; turning that into a head-squish instead of a throat-crush would just be a matter of moving the Force focus up a few inches.
Who has a black lightsaber?
Tarre Vizsla
The Darksaber was an ancient and unique black-bladed lightsaber created by Tarre Vizsla, the first Mandalorian ever inducted into the Jedi Order, prior to 1032 BBY.