How do you reset the computer on a Chevy Impala?

How do you reset the computer on a Chevy Impala?

Remove the negative battery cable and set it aside, then turn the headlight switch to the ON position to drain the ECM of any residual power. Wait at least 10 minutes, and then turn it back off, re-hook up the negative battery cable, and go ahead and properly start Your Impala; the computer should be reset.

What does Cal mean on a Chevy Impala?

December 23, 2020. The “Calibration Complete” message on a 2006 Chevrolet Impala refers to the electronic compass calibration. In order to see this message, it’s likely that You’ve engaged the compass calibration procedure — if You haven’t, then it’s a really just a series of dumb luck.

How do you unlock the radio in a 2001 Chevy Impala?

In order to unlock the radio for Your 2001 Chevy Impala You’re first going to to need to put the key in the ignition and move it in to the run position. Now hold down on the two and three pre set buttons located on the center of the radio. After a few moments You’re going to see a code appear on Your radio.

How do I reset my Chevy computer?

Remove the nut off the negative battery cable with a socket set or wrench. Slide the cable off of the battery and put it aside. Turn the headlight switch to the “on” position to drain the ecm of any remaining power. Wait at least 10 minutes, then turn it back to the “off” position.

Will unhooking battery reset the computer?

Does Disconnecting Battery Reset Check Engine Light? Yes, disconnecting the engine is one method of resetting your check engine light. Other experts recommend turning on the light switch for a few minutes (the lights won’t come on) after disconnecting the engine to drain any remaining current on the computer.

Why does my car say Cal?

The Cal message can appear on your driver information center (DIC). When the DIC displays this alert, it means that the DIC compass needs to be calibrated. If this alert is accompanied by three dashes, then your compass is not working and needs maintenance.

What is a Cal on a car?

In general, the CAL message on the dash means CALIBRATE, indicating that a monitoring system requires a reset or calibration to be made. You might want to contact one of our mobile mechanics and have them complete a car is hard to start inspection to determine why your vehicle won’t start.

How do you reset the radio on a 2001 Chevy Impala?

Open the trunk or any door of the Impala. Switch the lock to the “lock” position. Remove the key from the ignition. The light on the radio display will flash quickly; this signals that the system is resetting.

How do I reset my radio in my Chevy Impala?

Press the “AM/FM” button until “SEC” appears on the radio display. Press the “ON” button on the radio. The radio is now reset.

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