Table of Contents
How do you know if air is stable?
The clearest way to observe the difference between a stable and an unstable air mass is to look at the clouds: A stable atmosphere will have largely flat layers of cloud which, although they may exhibit some lumpiness, will not extend far upwards. There may be several such layers or occasionally, clear skies.
What are indicators of a stable atmosphere?
Visual indicators of stable atmospheric conditions: o Smoke layer. o Stratus clouds or fog. o Low intensity fire as a result of suppressed vertical motion and weak inflow wind to feed fire new oxygenated air.
What are the characteristics of stable air visibility?
Explanation: characteristics of stable air: stratiform clouds, continuous precipitation, smooth air, poor visibility. A and B are incorrect because of the following characteristics of unstable air: cumulus clouds, showery precipitation, turbulence, good visibility.
What is considered stable air?
The atmosphere is considered to be stable if a rising parcel cools faster than the environmental lapse rate. This causes the air parcel to be cooler and more dense than its surroundings and, therefore, lose its buoyancy. Vertical motions tend to be restricted when the atmosphere is in stable equilibrium.
What happens when air is unstable?
Air is considered unstable, in the lowest layers of an air mass when the air is warmer and or more humid than the surrounding air. When this occurs the air will rise, as that air parcel is warmer than the air surrounding it. In an unstable environment, the weather can change suddenly and can be violent.
What is an indicator of stable air?
Because stable air masses are, by nature, calm and free of violent disturbances, they are often marked by the appearance of stratiform clouds or fog. Stratiform clouds can be identified by their smooth, sheetlike nature and do not build vertically like clouds found in unstable air masses with convective activity.
Which of the following would be associated with stable atmospheric conditions?
Chapters 12 & 13 & 14
Question | Answer |
Which of the following would NOT be associated with stable atmospheric conditions? | afternoon thunder showers |
A parcel of air has a temperature of 0˚C as it crosses a mountain range at 3000 meters. If it descends, what will its temperature be when it reaches sea level? | 30˚C |
What kind of weather is associated with stable air?
Stable air means that the weather is likely to be calm. It may rain or snow slowly and steadily, it may be sunny, but the weather will not change quickly. Unstable air means that the weather might change quickly with very little warning. Unstable air leads to sudden thunderstorms.
What are four characteristics of stable air?
Air mass having a stable stratification in its lower layer, and consequently free from convection, having a low degree of turbulence, and containing either stratiform clouds, fog, or no clouds at all.
What conditions cause a stable air mass?
A stable air mass is one in which there is warm air overlying cold air. Why is that called stable? It is stable because if something should bump the underlying cold air and push it up, the colder air, being more dense than the air above it, will sink right back down to the ground.
What kind of clouds indicate stable air?
Any clouds that form as a result will be thin and horizontal such as cirrostratus, altostratus, nimbostratus, and stratus clouds. All of these cloud types are associated with stable air.