How do you clean a lab spill?

How do you clean a lab spill?

Biological Spills

  1. The spill is covered with paper towels or absorbent pads.
  2. Decontaminate using a freshly prepared 10% (vol./vol.
  3. Allow to sit for 15 minutes.
  4. Use paper towels or other absorbent material to wipe up the spill.
  5. Further clean the spill area with fresh towels soaked in disinfectant.

What do you do if there is a spill in the lab quizlet?

If you spill an acid or a base on yourself you should: Immediately wash with soap and cool water then tell your teacher. Broken glassware left around the lab is a hazard because: If on the floor, someone might step on it and cut their foot.

What are laboratory procedure before leaving the lab area?

Remove all your laboratory protective clothing and safety gear such as lab coats, gloves, safety goggles, etc inside the lab before leaving. Switch off lights, air conditioners and other electrical facilities before leaving the lab. Remember to sign the laboratory register and enter the time you leave the laboratory.

What are the 3 conditions that must be present in order to have a fire start or continue?

Oxygen, heat, and fuel are frequently referred to as the “fire triangle.” Add in the fourth element, the chemical reaction, and you actually have a fire “tetrahedron.” The important thing to remember is: take any of these four things away, and you will not have a fire or the fire will be extinguished.

How do you clean methanol spill in the lab?

Soak up spill with non-combustible absorbent material. Recover methanol and dilute with water to reduce fire hazard. Prevent spilled methanol from entering sewers, confined spaces, drains, or waterways.

What’s the proper way to dispose of Lab Waste?

Make sure you always follow the proper procedures for disposing lab waste. Report all injuries, accidents, and broken equipment or glass right away, even if the incident seems small or unimportant. If you have been injured, yell out immediately and as loud as you can to ensure you get help.

What kind of safety equipment do you need in a lab?

Gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats are basic lab safety equipment. Lab coats offer protection for clothing and additional protection to skin for general lab use. There are many options, but a basic cotton coat is the most common and versatile choice. Eye protection comes in many styles and grades.

What should you use to put out a fire in a lab?

Most laboratories fire can be put out with CO2fire extinguishers. For fires involving active metals or metal hydrides, use dry chemical extinguishers or sand —never use water! When clothing is on fire, the victim should not run.

What are the rules for working in the laboratory?

Horseplay or practical jokes in the laboratory are always against the rules If a piece of equipment is not working properly, stop, turn it off, and tell the science instructor If an acid is splashed on your skin, wash with plenty of water When you finish working with chemicals, biological specimens, and other lab substances, always

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