How do you change to Alex Mercer skin in Prototype 2?

How do you change to Alex Mercer skin in Prototype 2?

To unlock the Alex mercer skin in Prototype 2 you need to complete all 5 of the event sets that I show at the start of the video. The final challenge became available on June 7th 2012.

Why is Alex Mercer evil?

However, due to being consumed by the Blacklight Virus, Mercer eventually lost his faith in humanity and intended on infecting all of mankind, ultimately becoming the archenemy of James Heller, the main protagonist of the second game, who seeks to kill him for causing the death of his wife and daughter.

What powers does Alex Mercer have?

Mercer gained the ability to form massive sharp claws on his hand by consuming a hunter-type infected. These claws are sharp enough when combined with his superhuman strength to cut a person to shreds. Even being able to cut and destroy heavily armored vehicles such as tanks. When combining his claws with his speed.

Are they making a prototype 3?

According to some resources, prototype 3 date release will be in 2021. Insiders say that the reason for the third part’s release postponement is several launches of the development process from the very start. Prototype 3 for PS4 will definitely be released.

Is Alex Mercer dead in Prototype 2?

PROTOTYPE 2 Alex Mercer is dead from the first Game. As we all saw at the final of the first Prototype, Alex died and somehow he appeared again, and we thought he survived. Well no, that isn’t Alex at all, that is the Blacklight virus which took Alex’s body and he controls all the mind.

What is Alex Mercer weakness?

Weaknesses. Electricity: Alex can be locked into place by electricity. Needs Biomass to increase his stats: His powers will be completely ineffective against people if he has a small amount of biomass. He also needs it to regenerate.

Is Alex Mercer bulletproof?

Superhuman Physique: Because of the virus he unleashed, Alexander’s stats drastically increased. He is strong enough to throw humans into the sky until they are speck and create massive craters just by falling, fast enough to outrun cars, and is completely bulletproof.

Is Alex Mercer alive?

After awaking at a Gentek facility with no recollection of his past, Alex Mercer escaped the building, and soon discovered his new powers and abilities, granted by the virus he unleashed….

Alex Mercer
Current status Deceased (Killed at Penn Station as human) Deceased (Consumed by James Heller as infected)

Is there a Prototype movie?

Prototype is a 1983 television film, starring Christopher Plummer….Prototype (1983 film)

Audio format Mono
Original release December 7, 1983

What does Prototype 2 Radnet Edition include?

‘Prototype 2’ Radnet Edition features weekly DLC Prototype 2’s Radnet Edition adds 55 pieces of DLC. The downloadable content will be spread across seven weeks and include bonus mutations for the single player campaign as well as in-game events, challenges, avatar items, themes, and behind the scenes videos.

How did the Alex Mercer come to be?

The Prototype Alex Mercer came to being as the result of exposure to a vial of Blacklight virus assimilating into its creator Dr. Alexander J. Mercer, its human host from whom he attained his identity. Dr.

Who is Alex Mercer in the Blacklight project?

Dr. Alexander “Alex” J. Mercer, also known as The Prototype or by his codename Zeus, was the former head researcher of the Blacklight project at Gentek. After learning that those affiliated with the project were being systematically murdered, Mercer attempted to flee the city with a sample of his research contained in a vial.

Who are the two girls in Alex Mercer?

Dana tells him that the file has only two names in it: Alex Mercer and Elizabeth Greene, the girl in the photo. The file also says that she is being isolated in the Gentek building. When Mercer went to free Greene, she cryptically told him that “The time for waiting is over” and threw him across the room.

How did Alex Mercer defeat Cross in prototype?

Mercer ended up defeating him, but Cross turned the tables by distracting Mercer by mentioning ‘Penn Station’ and triggering a painful flashback. He injected Mercer with a biological weapon while he was distracted. Due to the parasite Cross had injected him with, Mercer couldn’t use his special powers aside from his superhuman strength and speed.

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