How do I stop thinking about a player?

How do I stop thinking about a player?


  1. Listen to your instincts. Stop looking the other way and pretending you don’t see red flags.
  2. Ending a relationship (serious, casual sex) still takes healing.
  3. Next time think before giving your precious body to anyone.
  4. Don’t sleep with neighbor/players.
  5. Talk, talk, talk this out with friends and family.

How do you move on from a player?

Here are the 7 steps to quickly get over a player:

  1. Step #1: Understand that you’re addicted.
  2. Step #2: Make sure you have a support group.
  3. Step #3: Break all contact with him.
  4. Step #4: Remove everything that reminds you of him.
  5. Step #5: Don’t give in to your rationalizations.
  6. Step #6: Date other men.

How do you outsmart a player?

How to Outplay the Player: 9 Ways to Beat Him at His Own Game

  1. Attention is The Best Way to Outplay the Player. Play a little game of hot and cold!
  2. We’re Just Friends.
  3. Fascinate Him.
  4. Emotions Matter, Even to the Players.
  5. A Big NO to Boring.
  6. His Friends Will Help You Outplay the Player.
  7. I’m Not Available Now.
  8. Say No to Jealousy.

How do you make a player jealous?

27 Ways To Make Your Man Jealous

  1. Go out with your girlfriends. Men feel jealous when their girl goes out with her gang.
  2. Dress up.
  3. Ignore his texts and calls.
  4. Laugh at his friend’s jokes.
  5. Flirt with a person he doesn’t know.
  6. Be active on social media.
  7. Have a male best friend.
  8. Be the center of attention.

How do you tell if people are playing you?

12 Signs Someone Is Playing Mind Games With You

  1. You never know where you stand.
  2. You’re questioning yourself more.
  3. They put you down, a lot.
  4. They try to turn others against you.
  5. They claim you’re a liar.
  6. They make endless comparisons.
  7. You always have to go to them.
  8. They regularly shut you out.

How do you hurt a player ego?

Unless, you know, the guy really deserves it.

  1. Point out the gut. Most guys, especially American men, worry about their guts.
  2. Insult his job.
  3. Compare him to an athlete.
  4. Compare him to a musician.
  5. Compare him to his father.
  6. Buy him big clothes.
  7. Compliment someone he hates.
  8. Treat him like he’s poor.

What are the signs of a player?

8 Signs He’s a Player

  • He’s Constantly on His Phone.
  • He Won’t Make Long-Term Plans.
  • He Breaks Plans Last Minute.
  • He’s Vague About His Whereabouts.
  • He Won’t Introduce You to His Friends.
  • He’s a Flirt.
  • His Needs Come First.
  • He’s Eager to Be Sexually Intimate with You.

Why do players hurt you?

Players are doing it for control and immediate gratification, because they do not feel worthy of anyone’s love. They need to continuously boost their ego, which is done in many ways: getting your love, making you jealous of them, pointing out your flaws and etc.

Does a player ever fall in love?

A player can only fall in love in a very special circumstance. The characteristic of a player is that he sleeps with a lot of women. But that doesn’t mean that a player cannot fall in love. After all, players are only human.

How can you spot a player?

Here’s how to spot a player, either online or off:

  1. He comes on strong.
  2. He says he’s “open” to a relationship.
  3. He makes sex jokes early.
  4. He only texts you late at night.
  5. He doesn’t ask personal questions.
  6. He gives over-the-top compliments.
  7. He won’t introduce you to his friends.
  8. He openly mentions other women.

What are mind games examples?

Some examples of mind games people play are:

  • Not texting or calling back in a reasonable amount of time.
  • Playing hard to get.
  • Making someone jealous.
  • Being vague about where the relationship is going.
  • Silent treatment.

What’s the best way to outplay a player?

Attention is The Best Way to Outplay the Player Play a little game of hot and cold! Be talkative and friendly for a couple of days and then disappear. A player would love the attention, and when you go off the radar he’ll certainly be wondering where you are.

How to get over a player on social media?

A player doesn’t deserve your friendship or attention after the way they treated you. Stop following them on social media, ignore their DMs, and block their calls/texts. If you run into them, keep your interaction short and sweet. Remember that you’re dealing with a player!

How to stop obsessing over a baseball player?

Players numb the feeling of caring about anyone. Don’t call him – ever. Don’t whine, cry etc. He isn’t worth it. Remember any attention, negative or not is still attention which feeds his ego. End it quickly, with no messy interactions. Learn to love yourself a little more each and every day.

What’s the best way to beat a player?

Before you become a victim of a charming predator whose only aim is to get into your pants, take a look at the following list for the best ways to master bringing out your A-game and beating the player before he plays you: #1 Play hardball. If he’s really playing you at your own expense, you wouldn’t want to make it easy for him, right? Right.

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