How do I join the military with a history of depression?

How do I join the military with a history of depression?

Once you are off and depression free for one year, get copies of your treatment paperwork, including therapy notes, and take them to your recruiter. They will submit the documents to MEPS for review. MEPS either will DQ you, allow you to physical and enlist, or allow you to physical with a waiver (most likely).

How does depression affect military?

Recent studies show that depression is seen much more often in military service members than in civilians. It’s estimated that up to 14 percent of service members experience depression after deployment. However, this number may be even higher because some service members don’t seek care for their condition.

Does the military check your mental health records?

Obviously, certain security and safety positions like law enforcement and military agencies require a person to pass a mental health check. This almost always carries an in-depth look at any previous mental health issues you may have had.

Should I join the military if I have depression?

A person with a depressive disorder must be stable, without treatment or symptoms for a continuous 36 months, to be eligible to enlist.

Can you get discharged for depression?

In the military’s scheme of things, serious disorders such as major depression, anxiety or schizophrenia may be grounds for medical discharge or retirement, usually depending on their severity and amenability to treatment.

Can I join the military if I have depression?

Will the army kick you out for anxiety?

Can you join the military with depression?

Mood Disorders A person with a depressive disorder must be stable, without treatment or symptoms for a continuous 36 months, to be eligible to enlist..

How long do you have to be off antidepressants to join the military?

Depression and the Military Your depression may disqualify you from service if you have had symptoms or treatment within the past 36 months (3 years). In addition, if you ever required outpatient care, including medications and therapy, for more than 12 months total cumulatively, you won’t be allowed to join.

Can you get kicked out of the army for depression?

According to the Department of Defense, you’re disqualified from serving in the U.S. military if you have a current diagnosis or a history of most mental disorders..

Can I join the army with a past of depression?

You must be stable mentally, physically, and otherwise to qualify to join the U.S. army. And having a history of depression can reduce your chances of joining the force. However, there are ways the rules can be in your favor.

Can you join the army with bipolar disorder?

Bipolar disorder is another mood disorder that falls within the same parameters as depression. Consequently, anyone that has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder is not authorized to join the United States Military.

Can I join the military if I have OCD?

Answer Wiki. 4 Answers. Someone with OCD could not make it in the military. Minor personality traits similar to OCD may be fine, but the first march through the jungle you would stop to clean your shoes every step (or similar issues). Military training is about obedience, unity, and rules.

What is the process of joining the Army?

The start of the enlistment process is lengthy but straightforward. Joining the military requires two (or more) trips to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). At a very minimum, you make a trip to MEPS for initial processing, then the second trip to MEPS for final processing on the day you ship out to basic training.

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