How are metamorphic rocks classified identify the characteristics of each of these classifications?

How are metamorphic rocks classified identify the characteristics of each of these classifications?

Metamorphic rocks are classified as either foliated or non-foliated. Foliated rocks have layers of mineral grains. Non-foliated rocks have little or no layering. One rock can become many different types of metamorphic rock depending on the heat, temperature, and fluid conditions during metamorphosis.

What are the characteristics of a metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic rocks were once igneous or sedimentary rocks, but have been changed (metamorphosed) as a result of intense heat and/or pressure within the Earth’s crust. They are crystalline and often have a “squashed” (foliated or banded) texture.

What are the main classifications of metamorphic rock?

There are two main types of metamorphic rocks: those that are foliated because they have formed in an environment with either directed pressure or shear stress, and those that are not foliated because they have formed in an environment without directed pressure or relatively near the surface with very little pressure …

What rocks would be classified as metamorphic rocks?

Classification of metamorphic rocks

  • Schist. Rocks in which metamorphic minerals are easily seen by eye or hand lens and in which the mineral grains have a highly orientated fabric are called schists.
  • Gneiss.
  • Hornfels.
  • Marble.
  • Mylonites and cataclastites.

What characteristics of a metamorphic rock is determined primarily by its parent rock?

What characteristic of a metamorphic rock is determined primarily by its parent rock? overall chemical composition. The metamorphic rock texture in which mineral grains are arranged in planes or bands.

What are the two main characteristics that describe a metamorphic rock?

Metamorphic Definition They were once igneous or sedimentary rocks;, however, they have been changed (metamorphosed) when subjected to intense heat and pressure within the Earth’s crust. They are crystalline by nature and often have a “squashed” (foliated or banded) texture.

Which characteristics indicate that a rock has undergone metamorphic change?

Metamorphic rocks are those rocks that have undergone changes in mineralogy, texture and/or chemical composition as a result of changes in temperature and pressure.

How are metamorphic rocks classified from other rocks?

Classification of Metamorphic Rocks. Classification of metamorphic rocks is based on mineral assemblage, texture, protolith, and bulk chemical composition of the rock.

How are textures preserved in low grade metamorphic rocks?

In low grade metamorphic rocks, original textures are often preserved allowing one to determine the likely protolith. As the grade of metamorphism increases, original textures are replaced with metamorphic textures and other clues, such as bulk chemical composition of the rock, are used to determine the protolith.

What kind of metamorphic rocks are soapstones?

Serpentinites: Serpentinites are rocks that consist mostly of serpentine. These form by hydrothermal metamorphism of ultrabasic igneous rocks. Soapstones: Soapstones are rocks that contain an abundance of talc, which gives the rock a greasy feel, similar to that of soap. Talc is an Mg-rich mineral,…

How are metamorphic rocks used to determine protolith?

As the grade of metamorphism increases, original textures are replaced with metamorphic textures and other clues, such as bulk chemical composition of the rock, are used to determine the protolith. The bulk chemical composition of the rock.

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