Does the Australian flag need to be changed?

Does the Australian flag need to be changed?

The Australian National Flag Association (ANFA) believes that the existing design is an integral part of the Australian heritage and an appropriate expression of our national identity. The existing design of stars and crosses should therefore be retained and not altered in any manner whatsoever.

Why should the Australian flag be changed?

National flags do change over time, usually reflecting a major change in the country’s constitutional arrangements or government. Advocates of change in Australia believe that another flag design would be more effective in representing Australia than the current flag.

Is changing the Australian flag illegal?

It is not an offence against the law at the present time to burn an Australian flag. In 1989, a private member s bill was introduced by Michael Cobb MP (Nat) to make it an offence to desecrate, dishonour, burn, mutilate or destroy the Australian National Flag or an Australian Ensign, without lawful authority.

What is the correct Australian flag?

The Australian Red Ensign is the proper flag to be flown by Australian registered ships. As an alternative to the Australian National Flag, it may also be flown by government ships, fishing vessels, pleasure craft and small craft.

Why Australian flag should not be changed?

Opponents of changing the flag have made the following arguments: It is a popular symbol. No alternative national flag has attained the same degree of acceptance accorded to the existing flag. The flag is a unique combination of devices recognised by law, custom and tradition as Australia’s chief national symbol.

Do Australia and New Zealand have the same flag?

The flag is (somewhat) different BUT the Australian flag has two extra stars – a small one near the cross and a big one under the Union Jack. Meanwhile, New Zealand’s flag has just four stars but they are red with a white outline. Yes, the difference between the Aussie and NZ flag are small, but they are important.

When did the Australian flag change?

What is now the Australian national flag was created soon after Federation in a competition in which nearly 33,000 people took part. However, for the next 50 years Australia’s official flag was the British flag, the Union Jack. This changed in 1954 when the Flags Act came into effect.

Is it legal to wear the Australian flag?

There are currently no laws that prohibit the wearing of the Australian flag for style or patriotic purposes. Under the 1953 Flags Act, the Australian National Flag may be flown on every day of the year, provided it is “treated with [the] respect and dignity it deserves as the nation’s most important national symbol.”

Can you leave the Australian flag up at night?

The flag should never be flown at half-mast at night even if it is illuminated.

Can the Australian flag touch the ground?

The Australian National Flag should fly on the left of a person facing the flags, when it is flown with one other national flag; Do not fly two flags from the same flagpole; Do not allow the flag to fall or lie on the ground or be used as a cover, although it can be used to cover a coffin at a funeral.

What are the 3 official flags of Australia?

Australia has three official flags: the Australian National Flag, the Australian Aboriginal Flag and the Torres Strait Islander Flag….The Australian National Flag

  • The flag of Great Britain, known as the Union Jack, is in the top left corner.
  • The Commonwealth Star is under the Union Jack.

Why does Australian Flag have Union Jack?

The Union Flag is thought to symbolise Australia’s history as six British colonies and the principles upon which the Australian Federation is based, although a more historic view sees its inclusion in the design as demonstrating loyalty to the British Empire.

Do you think Australia needs a new flag?

On the question of national identity, I come to an even more emotive topic, the Flag. Australians need a flag which is recognisable in all other countries and is acceptable to everyone in this country.

When was the Australian national flag first flown?

The Australian National Flag (the flag) was first flown in 1901 (see also Australian National Flag Day). It is Australia’s foremost national symbol and has become an expression of Australian identity and pride.

When was the Australian flag changed to the Torres Strait Islander flag?

An amendment to the Flags Act 1953 was passed in 1998 to ensure that the Australian National Flag can be changed only with the agreement of the Australian people. Other official Australian flags include the Australian Aboriginal Flag, the Torres Strait Islander Flag and the ensigns of the Australian Defence Force.

When did the Australian national flag change to the Blue Ensign?

The Flags Act 1953 subsequently proclaimed the Australian blue ensign as the Australian National Flag and the Australian red ensign as the flag for merchant ships registered in Australia. An amendment to the Flags Act 1953 was passed in 1998 to ensure that the Australian National Flag can be changed only with the agreement of the Australian people.

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