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Does sycamore wood make good firewood?
Sycamore firewood is easy to light, provided that it has been seasoned well. It is one of the best firewood species you can use when you’re starting a fire, as it produces a lot of heat. Sadly though, the glory is short-lived. Some people report that sycamore also gives off an unpleasant odor when it’s burned green.
Is Sycamore any good for burning?
Sycamore – (Scientific Name – Platanus Occidentalis) Sycamore is decent firewood and produces a good flame, but it does only have a moderate heat output and does need to be well seasoned as it does have a very high moisture content when live.
How well does sycamore wood burn?
Burning. Sycamore wood is fairly to easy to start, provided the wood has been cut and seasoned. It will emit a moderate amount of heat compared to oak or maple. Pieces that are green in the center or have the bark still firmly attached do not burn well or produce warm heat.
Can you burn Sycamore in a wood burner?
Sycamore and other Maples Makes a good wood fuel log, burning well with a moderate heat output and good flame. Willow Even when very well-seasoned Willow produces poor slow burning fire wood with little flame.
Is Sycamore hard or soft wood?
However, because Sycamore is classified as a moderate hardness hardwood, it rarely found in the production of hardwood flooring. When sycamore logs are quartersawn they are also an excellent choice for high-quality veneers and paneling due to its high degree of fleck.
Is Sycamore easy to split?
It’s not as soft as poplar and the like, it’s a medium density wood such as elm, soft maple, walnut.. It is one of the harder species to split, however. If you have the time to season it out it makes decent firewood.
Is sycamore wood valuable?
Pricing/Availability: Usually moderately priced, though Sycamore is commonly sold as quartersawn boards, which can increase the cost.
How long does it take for Sycamore wood to dry?
You should expect it to take 6-12 months to season Sycamore firewood. For wood to be “seasoned” basically just means that it’s thoroughly dried, and you should always plan to burn firewood that is completely seasoned.
Is sycamore a good hardwood?
Is sycamore wood good for anything?
From our experience, we find that Sycamore is traditionally used in the production of furniture, furniture parts, joinery paneling and mouldings. In some instances, it can even be used for kitchenware and cutting boards.
Is sycamore a soft or hardwood?
American sycamore trees are generally huge, being one of the largest hardwood species in North America, growing throughout the eastern and central USA in natural hardwood forests.