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Does all fish have scale?
Do all fishes have scales? No. Many species of fishes lack scales. All the clingfishes (family Gobiesocidae) for example, are scaleless.
Does fish have scales or smooth skin?
Fish scales are smooth to help them glide through the water, and some reflect light to help camouflage them underwater. Unlike reptiles, the scales of bony fish are made of enamel and dentine (like teeth) and they can be detached individually from the skin.
Do fresh water fish have scales?
Freshwater fish differ physiologically from salt water fish in several respects. Their gills must be able to diffuse dissolved gases while keeping the salts in the body fluids inside. Their scales reduce water diffusion through the skin: freshwater fish that have lost too many scales will die.
Do all fish have fins and scales?
As legs are to humans, fins are to fish. Certain fish have no scales, but they have fins. Naturally, a fish is heavier than water and requires fins to stay up. Still, not all fish have fins, and those that don’t have developed body parts that help them adapt quickly and are found in habitats made for them.
Do bass fish have scales?
Bass and most other fish with spines have ctenoid scales composed of connective tissue covered with calcium.
Does fish have moist skin?
Fishes are finned aquatic vertebrates. They have scales, an interior skeleton, and breathe by passing water over their gills (aquatic respiration). They have smooth, moist skin with no scales, feathers, or hair. Some have lungs and some have gills.
Can you eat fish without scales?
“`Of all the creatures living in the water of the seas and the streams, you may eat any that have fins and scales. And since you are to detest them, you must not eat their meat and you must detest their carcasses. Anything living in the water that does not have fins and scales is to be detestable to you.
What kind of fish has no scales or skin?
Some fishes are “naked” devoid of scales, e.g., freshwater catfish. Certain species exhibit an intermediate condition that are generally naked but possess scales on restricted areas. Such condition is found in paddlefish (Polydon), in which scales are present in region of throat, pectoral and base of tail
Where does the epidermis of a fish come from?
The epidermis originates from ectoderm and the dermis derives from mesoderm layer (Fig. 3.1). 1. The Epidermis layer of skin in fishes: It is composed of many layers of flattened and moist epithelial cells. The innermost layer is called stratum germinativum.
What are the different types of fish scales?
There are few type of scales based on their structure and shape. The different type of scales are often characteristics of the species. (i) Plate like or placoid scales commonly found in Elasmobranches. (ii) Cycloid scales found in Burbot and soft-rayed fishes. (iii) Rhombic or diamond shaped scales, common among gars and sturgeons.
What kind of organs do fishes have in their skin?
In some fishes, special colouring devices and phosphorescent organs are present in the skin, which either conceal the organism or make it present or used for sexual recognition. In addition, some species have special structures like electric organs, mucous glands and poison glands.