Do the RAF check your medical records?

Do the RAF check your medical records?

The medical is in place to make sure that you’re fit for RAF service, that’s why it’s part of the process. It doesn’t matter whether they have access before or after your appointment. The ability to check your records is to make sure that there’s nothing that will mean you can’t do the role you’ve applied for.

What kind of medical records does the military check?

Because the military does not routinely pull medical records, recruits who pass their physical and reveal no prior history may get in. However, if the soldier later gets sick or injured, the Army can check medical records if an undisclosed pre-existing condition is suspected.

Can you join the British army after ACL surgery?

Previous Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction is currently a bar from entry to the Royal Marines and Royal Navy, whilst the British Army allows recruits to join if asymptomatic 18 months post ACL reconstruction.

Is there a cause for Hirschsprung’s disease?

There is no known cause for HD, although it can run in families. It occurs in 1 in 5000 babies and is more common in boys than girls. HD affects the rectum and a variable length of the large bowel above it.

How often do you need a washout for Hirschsprung disease?

A tube will be passed through the nose into the stomach to drain away any fluid and air collecting in it. Fluids will be given through a vein (drip). Your baby will need to have washouts to decompress the bowel and reduce discomfort. Usually the washouts will need to be done once or twice every day and will take 20-30 minutes.

How does the UK Armed Forces pension system work?

Information related to the Armed Forces Pension Schemes. When a member of the armed forces reaches their retirement age, they receive one of the most generous pensions available in the UK. This fairly reflects the unique sacrifice they have provided their country throughout their career.

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