Did rich Victorian children have servants?

Did rich Victorian children have servants?

Victorian Houses of the Wealthy The wealthy Victorian Children and their families lived a much more elegant and privileged life than the poor families lived. They usually had servants that performed all the duties including cleaning the house, washing clothes and cooking supper.

How did rich Victorian children live?

Rich Victorians lived in large houses that were well heated and clean. Children got a good education either by going away to school or having a governess who taught them at home (this is usually how girls were educated).

What were rich Victorians jobs?

Rich Victorian men had jobs such as doctors, lawyers, bankers and factory owners. Until near the end of the Victorian era, parents had to pay to send their children to school. This meant that many poor children received no education and could neither read not write.

What kind of jobs did children do in Victorian Britain?

What Jobs Did Victorian Children Perform?

Coal mines Laundry for pay
Chimney Sweep Sweated Trades
Factory Worker Matchmaking
Scare the birds from the fields Pottery Making
Farm Worker Textile Mill

Where did Victorians keep their money?

A wealthy person would keep his or her money in a bank or put it in conservative investments, which rarely earned more than 3% per year.

What jobs did the rich have in the 1800s?

What did rich people do in 1800s?…What jobs do the wealthy have?

  • Lawyers.
  • Engineers.
  • Medical Doctors and Surgeons.
  • CPA.
  • Investment Banker.
  • Real Estate Broker or Agent.
  • Insurance Broker or Agent.

What did rich Victorians do with their children?

The children of rich Victorians spent the majority of their day with their nanny. The nanny was responsible for the children’s daily activities. Nannies also taught children proper behavior, disciplined the children, and took care of them when they were ill. For the most part, children of wealthy parents did not attend school outside of the home.

How many hours did children work in the Victorian era?

Their typical work day would probably start at sunrise and go well late into the evening frequently giving them 16 hour work days every day of the week. There was no time off. These children could be as young as three years old. It was not until later in the Victorian era laws were created to only allow them to work 12 hours per day.

What was the difference between rich and poor Victorian homes?

The Vast Differences Between Rich and Poor Victorian Homes. The Victorian Houses that are so popular today with all their splendor and decorative trimmings only tell a small part of how Victorian children lived. These were the houses that the wealthy children lived in. The poor Victorian children lived in dwellings much different.

What was the wage of a poor child in Victorian times?

Poor children aged just three or four would work 12 hour days for five shillings (25p) a week or less. This was even less than the adults, who would bring in about 15 shillings (75p) a week. Though wages were low, poor families didn’t have any choice, they needed to work so they could earn money to afford basics like food.


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