Did mosasaurs eat whales?

Did mosasaurs eat whales?

Mosasaurus was closer to whales and dolphins, meaning they likely ate in slightly deeper waters, but still not too far offshore. Prognathodon kianda, the species found with other mosasaurs in its stomach, appears to have ranged from nearshore to offshore feeding areas.Rab. I 1, 1440 AH

Did the Mosasaurus eat sharks?

Mosasaurus is a genus of large aquatic carnivorous lizard from the Late Cretaceous about 70-66 million years ago. It fed on such prey as seabirds, sharks, large fish, plesiosaurs and even other mosasaurs.

Did mosasaurs eat Megalodon?

The Mosasaurus had a long, thin body with jaws designed more for feeding on smaller prey such as ammonites and fish. A Mosasaurus would not have been able to get its jaws around the much thicker body of the Megalodon. It would just take one catastrophic bite for the Megalodon to end the battle.

Would a Mosasaurus eat a human?

Based on common-sense and logic, it is reasonable to assume that Mosasaurus would largely ignore the human audience while attacking Indominus. A mostly satiated Mosasaurus would ignore tiny prey set back from the water, while attacking the large prey standing on the edge of the water when hungry.Jum. II 9, 1437 AH

Did Mosasaurus live in packs?

Although mosasaurs were solitary animals, it’s possible that mothers may have lived in groups to protect their young from sharks and giant predatory fish.Rab. I 24, 1442 AH

Is Mosasaurus bigger than T Rex?

This is how big the T-Rex is: The Mosasaur Size Chart says that Mosasaurus is the largest mosasaur (like how I think), and compared to the T-Rex size, Mosasaurus is definitely bigger than both I-Rex and T-Rex.Dhuʻl-H. 20, 1438 AH

What dinosaur swims in water?

Spinosaurus is the only dinosaur we know that spent time living in the water. Another dinosaur, Ceratosaurus, could probably swim and catch aquatic prey, such as fish and crocodiles.

What ate the Indominus Rex?

When the Tyrannosaurus and Velociraptor push the Indominus Rex to the lagoon, the Mosasaurus jumps out and grabs the Indominus Rex and drags it under water, killing it.Dhuʻl-Q. 22, 1442 AH

Is mosasaurus bigger than T-Rex?

What killed the mosasaurus?

During the last 20 million years of the Cretaceous period (Turonian–Maastrichtian ages), with the extinction of the ichthyosaurs and pliosaurs, mosasaurs became the dominant marine predators. They became extinct as a result of the K-Pg event at the end of the Cretaceous period, about 66 million years ago.

Are mosasaurus still alive?

The mosasaurs ruled the ocean in the late Cretaceous period. Mosasaurs went extinct 65.5 million years ago in the same mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs, Live Science previously reported.Ram. 8, 1442 AH

What period did T Rex live in?

83.6 million years ago – 66 million years ago (Cretaceous)

What kind of food did a Stegosaurus eat?

Stegosaurus was an herbivore, or plant eater. They probably ate mosses, ferns, horsetails, cycads and conifers. A study of the bite force and teeth of Stegosaurus suggests that they couldn’t bite through sticks that were more than 1.2 centimeters thick, so they would have needed to eat very tender vegetation.

Are there any interactions between humans and Stegosaurus?

The only interactions between Stegosaurus and humans are in movies and television. These are, of course, digital or animatronic dinosaurs. Humans never domesticated Stegosaurus in any way, and never interacted with these extinct creatures. Even if they were alive, Stegosaurus would not make a good pet.

When was the last time a Stegosaurus lived on Earth?

Stegosaurus and Human Interaction. Stegosaurus went extinct around 150 million years ago, and never lived while humans were on earth. The only interactions between Stegosaurus and humans are in movies and television.

What was the purpose of the cheeks of a Stegosaurus?

Cheeky Chewer – Stegosaurus was one of the very first creatures to develop primitive cheeks. The development of cheeks allowed creatures to thoroughly chew their food before swallowing.

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