What command is used to sort the lines of data? sort-r is the Command used to sort the line of data in a file in reverse order. How do you display the contents of a file myFile txt? Use the command line to navigate to the Desktop, and then type cat myFile. txt . This […]
What caused urbanization in the 1800?
What caused urbanization in the 1800? Urbanization in America: Urbanization in America in the late 1800’s which was fueled by the Industrial Revolution and Industrialization. Summary and definition: Urbanization means the redistribution of populations from rural (farming or country life) to urban (town and city) life. What were factors that led to urbanization? The two […]
How do I find out if my stock certificate is worth anything?
How do I find out if my stock certificate is worth anything? Determine the collectible value of your certificate if it no longer has stock value. A stock can have worth based on who signed it, historical interest, or the engraving. This value can be found by contacting dealers, researching libraries, or searching listings on […]
What type of change occurs when toast burns?
What type of change occurs when toast burns? A chemical change breaks apart or rearranges the atoms or molecules of the object, resulting in a new substance. Toasting the bread and digesting the toast are both examples of chemical changes. Is toasted a chemical or physical change? Toasting bread is a chemical change. Adding heat […]
What are 2 manufacturing industries?
What are 2 manufacturing industries? Types of Manufacturing Industries Clothing and Textiles. Companies that process raw wool, cotton and flax to make cloth are categorized under the clothing and textiles sector. Petroleum, Chemicals and Plastics. Electronics, Computers and Transportation. Food Production. Metal Manufacturing. Wood, Leather and Paper. What are two types of manufacturing used by […]
What is it called when the trachea splits and goes into each lung?
What is it called when the trachea splits and goes into each lung? Inside Lungs Outside Lungs. The trachea splits into 2 bronchial tubes in your lungs. These are called the left bronchus and right bronchus. The bronchus tubes keep branching off into smaller and smaller tubes called bronchi. What are the 2 tubes leading […]
Do both owners need to be on homeowners insurance?
Do both owners need to be on homeowners insurance? Do Both Spouses Need to Be on the Homeowners Insurance? Whichever spouse owns the home that you live in needs to be on the insurance policy. You won’t be able to get a policy unless it’s in the property owner’s name. If both spouses own the […]
Why would you have a partial thyroidectomy?
Why would you have a partial thyroidectomy? You may need a partial thyroidectomy if you have thyroid cancer or a lump on your thyroid. Even a lump that is not cancer can grow large and cause breathing problems. You may also need surgery for hyperthyroidism. This means your thyroid creates too much thyroid hormone. When […]
What is the average cost of a sports injury?
What is the average cost of a sports injury? The mean medical cost was $709 per injury (95% CI $542 to $927), $2223 per injury (95% CI $1709 to $2893) in human capital costs, and $10 432 per injury (95% CI $8062 to $13 449) in comprehensive costs. Sport and competition division were significant predictors […]
What kind of paint was used in medieval times?
What kind of paint was used in medieval times? Finally, the panel could be painted. Medieval artists used tempera paints, made by mixing ground pigments with egg yolk. What are medieval colors? Medieval scholars inherited the idea from ancient times that there were seven colors: white, yellow, red, green, blue, purple and black. Green was […]