Who owned the island of Malta in 1523?

Who owned the island of Malta in 1523? Malta was ruled by the Order of Saint John as a vassal state of the Kingdom of Sicily from 1530 to 1798. The islands of Malta and Gozo, as well as the city of Tripoli in modern Libya, were granted to the Order by Spanish Emperor Charles […]

Why do so many people like Matthew Gray Gubler?

Why do so many people like Matthew Gray Gubler? Here are the definitive reasons why:1. He is a particular brand of handsome. Some folks might disagree, but fans of Gubler are voracious in their praise of the young, lanky, Vegas-born actor. Tall, dark and handsome, Matthew Gray Gubler is at once both slightly nerdy and […]

What is an informed choice example?

What is an informed choice example? For example; If you were to help support someone to make and communicate an informed decision on whether they wish to have a cup of tea, coffee or a glass of juice. You could support them to make a decision by: Showing the person all of the options and […]

Who fired the first shot at the Battle of Gonzales?

Who fired the first shot at the Battle of Gonzales? Battle of Gonzales (October 2, 1835) Moore and J. W. E. Wallace, loaded the cannon with scrap iron, aimed at the Mexicans, and fired the shot that began the revolution. After a short fight, the Mexicans retreated, with one casualty. The Texans suffered no losses […]

What challenges do credit unions face?

What challenges do credit unions face? Loan volume is down, and rate sensitivity is high, often taking precedence to loyalty to the credit union. Other challenges include: Inability to offer a full complement of loan products, particularly mortgages, business loans, and even credit cards due to scale and regulatory restrictions. What are the weaknesses of […]

What are the product of 90?

What are the product of 90? Pair Factors of 90 Positive Factors of 90 Positive Pair Factors of 90 1 × 90 (1, 90) 2 × 45 (2, 45) 3 × 30 (3, 30) 5 × 18 (5, 18) Is 90 a prime numbers? No, 90 is not a prime number. The number 90 is […]

Why does Japan allow whaling?

Why does Japan allow whaling? Like other whaling nations, Japan argues hunting and eating whales are part of its culture. A number of coastal communities in Japan have indeed hunted whales for centuries but consumption only became widespread after World War Two when other food was scarce. Do Japanese support whaling? Recommended. For Japan, whaling […]

How long can a fish survive in a jar?

How long can a fish survive in a jar? The answer is TWO DAYS! when the fish is in shallow water, its movement will force the water to circulate, which in turn can help the fish pick up some oxygen from the surface. A fish can survive in shallow water conditions for about 2 days, […]

Why did they invent chicken nuggets?

Why did they invent chicken nuggets? Baker created the nugget after discovering a way to keep ground meat together without skin, along with batter that wouldn’t shrink when frozen or expand when fried. Baker achieved the concoction by grinding the chicken meat with vinegar and salt in order to dry it. Why are kids obsessed […]

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