Why did Mona pretend to get texts from A? A=Mona herself. She sent the text to herself as a cover up to get the suspicion off of her. Why did Mona start the A game? She began to send Alison threatening messages under the alias “A” as a way to make Alison feel some of […]
Which electrons in an atom have the lowest energy?
Which electrons in an atom have the lowest energy? Electrons closest to the nucleus will have the lowest energy. Electrons further away from the nucleus will have higher energy. An atom’s electron shell can accommodate 2n2 electrons (where n is the shell level). In a more realistic model, electrons move in atomic orbitals, or subshells. […]
Who came up with the unalienable rights?
Who came up with the unalienable rights? Locke wrote that all individuals are equal in the sense that they are born with certain “inalienable” natural rights. That is, rights that are God-given and can never be taken or even given away. Among these fundamental natural rights, Locke said, are “life, liberty, and property.” Where did […]
What is equipment error called?
What is equipment error called? Systematic error (also called systematic bias) is consistent, repeatable error associated with faulty equipment or a flawed experiment design. What type of error is faulty equipment? Systematic errors usually result from equipment that isn’t correctly calibrated. Every measurement you take will be wrong by the same amount because there is […]
What is the shape of the spaceship?
What is the shape of the spaceship? Most construction techniques in use are based on metal plates. Therefore, spacecraft shaped like cubes or cylinders (a bent plate) are easy to manufacture. The sharp edges are however less optimal than the sphere to withstand internal pressure. Why does the space shuttle have small wings? The shuttle’s […]
How is a number not a square number?
How is a number not a square number? One starting test for showing a number will NOT be a perfect square is to use “casting out 9’s”. Remove any digits that are 9 or that add up to 9. If it is not a perfect square, then the original number cannot be a perfect square. […]
What did William Pitt the Younger do?
What did William Pitt the Younger do? He became the youngest prime minister of Great Britain in 1783 at the age of 24 and the first prime minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland as of January 1801. He left office in March 1801, but served as prime minister again from 1804 […]
Do tanning beds emit radiation?
Do tanning beds emit radiation? Sun lamps and tanning equipment emit rays of ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Exposure to UV radiation, whether from tanning equipment or from the sun, increases your risk of developing skin cancer. How much radiation does a tanning bed emit? Tanning beds use fluorescent bulbs that emit mostly UVA, with smaller doses […]
What did the founders of the United States believed that was the only legitimate government to have?
What did the founders of the United States believed that was the only legitimate government to have? As John Locke explained in his Second Treatise of Civil Government, the only legitimate government was one to which the people had given consent. History, the Founders believed, showed how otherwise decent people can be swayed by emotion, […]
What is the difference between a sigma bond and a pi bond quizlet?
What is the difference between a sigma bond and a pi bond quizlet? What is the difference between a sigma bond and a pi bond? A sigma bond is a single covalent bond formed from the direct overlap of orbitals. A pi bond is the parallel overlap of p orbitals. This involves the s orbital, […]