What are the raw materials used in photosynthesis?

What are the raw materials used in photosynthesis? The raw materials of photosynthesis, water and carbon dioxide, enter the cells of the leaf, and the products of photosynthesis, sugar and oxygen, leave the leaf. What are the four 4 raw materials of photosynthesis? Photosynthesis is the process in which green plants use sunlight to make […]

Where are the podocytes located?

Where are the podocytes located? the kidney glomerulus Podocytes are highly specialized cells of the kidney glomerulus that wrap around capillaries and that neighbor cells of the Bowman’s capsule. What are podocytes in glomerulus? Podocytes are specialized epithelial cells that cover the outer surfaces of glomerular capillaries. Unique cell junctions, known as slit diaphragms, which […]

What are the behaviors of pandas?

What are the behaviors of pandas? Because of their low-energy diet they avoid stressful situations and exertion, preferring shallow slopes and solitary living. They use scent markers to avoid one another. Giant pandas don’t roar like other bears, but bleat like goats, or or honk, growl and bark to communicate. Cubs whine and croak for […]

How do you get Hitmontop in soul silver?

How do you get Hitmontop in soul silver? Tyrogue will evolve into Hitmontop only if its attack and defense are equal. The easiest way I’ve found to do this is to put Tyrogue in the daycare until level 19 then level it up one. Just be sure that the stats line up before allowing it […]

What is a purification light?

What is a purification light? Most people do not think of light as a means of purifying or disinfecting, but special “germicidal” lamps emit high intensity ultraviolet light that purifies air, water, and surfaces without the use of harsh chemicals that are harmful to the environment. Does UV light purify? Yes. UV light is normally […]

What are the Beatitudes in Luke?

What are the Beatitudes in Luke? The four Beatitudes of Luke 6:20–23 read as follows: Blessed are you poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you that weep now, for you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your […]

Who was the leader of the 8 proprietors?

Who was the leader of the 8 proprietors? This charter issued by King Charles II of England proposed the formation of the Lords Proprietors and gave the lands of Carolina to the eight proprietors: the Earl of Clarendon, Duke of Albemarle, Lord Craven, Lord Berkeley, Lord Ashley, Sir George Carteret, William Berkeley and Sir John […]

What does it mean if your protagonist?

What does it mean if your protagonist? The most common definition of protagonist is the leading character of a drama or literary work. You can see the relation to its Greek root word in the sense that the character is important in the plot. Sometimes, the term hero refers to a male protagonist. Heroine refers […]

What happened to the Queen Elizabeth ship?

What happened to the Queen Elizabeth ship? The ship was 1,031 feet (314 metres) long and 118.5 feet (36 metres) wide and had a draft of 38 feet (11.6 metres) and an original gross tonnage of 83,673. The Queen Elizabeth was retired in 1968 and sold for conversion to a seagoing university, but it burned […]

What style was art of the Rococo period done in?

What style was art of the Rococo period done in? Rococo: A style of baroque architecture and decorative art, from 18th century France, having elaborate ornamentation. Which artist worked in the Rococo style? Jean-Antoine Watteau Jean-Antoine Watteau is credited with the birth of Rococo painting. Combining influences from Flemish master Peter Paul Rubens and Venetian […]

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