How did trade influence the culture of East Africa?

How did trade influence the culture of East Africa? How did trade influence the city-states of East Africa? Trade brought people from different cultures to the cities, which led to the spread of Islam in the region, changing architecture, and the development of the language Swahili. How did trade play a role in East Africa? […]

Is Honda CR-V expensive to maintain?

Is Honda CR-V expensive to maintain? How Frequently Does a Honda Cr-v require maintenance? Overall – the Honda Cr-v has yearly car maintenance costs total to $407 . Given that the Honda Cr-v has an average of $407 and that the average vehicle costs $651 annual — the Cr-v is substantially cheaper to maintain. How […]

What comes under technical is control?

What comes under technical is control? Control Functions Examples include physical controls such as fences, locks, and alarm systems; technical controls such as antivirus software, firewalls, and IPSs; and administrative controls like separation of duties, data classification, and auditing. Which one of the following is a technical control that can protect the confidentiality of information? […]

Which Charlie perfume is the best?

Which Charlie perfume is the best? So read below to know more about 10 best Charlie Perfumes for women: Charlie Red: Save. Charlie Blue: Save. Charlie Gold: Save. Charlie Silver: Save. Charlie Sunshine: Save. Charlie White: Save. Charlie White Musk: Save. Charlie Black: Save. What is the original Charlie perfume called? Charlie by Revlon Charlie […]

Can smoking cause you to not have kids?

Can smoking cause you to not have kids? Women who smoke do not conceive as efficiently as nonsmokers. Infertility rates in both male and female smokers are about twice the rate of infertility found in nonsmokers. The risk for fertility problems increases with the number of cigarettes smoked daily. What age do smokers normally die? […]

What is the water gas called?

What is the water gas called? hydrogen hydrogen, a mixture known as water gas. What is meaning of water gas? : a poisonous flammable gaseous mixture that consists chiefly of carbon monoxide and hydrogen with small amounts of methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen, is usually made by blowing air and then steam over red-hot coke […]

What comes inside a Pokemon tin?

What comes inside a Pokemon tin? The Pokémon TCG: V Powers Tin is available in the Pokémon Center and where Pokémon TCG products are sold….The Pokémon TCG: V Powers Tin includes: 1 of 3 foil Pokémon V: Eternatus V, Pikachu V, or Eevee V. 5 Pokémon TCG booster packs. A code card to unlock a […]

What are the 3 largest indigenous groups in Panama?

What are the 3 largest indigenous groups in Panama? Most indigenous groups in Panama still live on ancestral lands in semiautonomous reservations called comarcas. The three largest comarcas – the Ngöbe-Buglé, Emberá-Wounaan, and Guna Yala – are the equivalent of a province, while the two smaller comarcas – Madungandí and Wargandí – are considered municipalities. […]

What is the motion of primary wave?

What is the motion of primary wave? Seismic P waves are also called compressional or longitudinal waves, they compress and expand (oscillate) the ground back and forth in the direction of travel, like sound waves that move back and forth as the waves travel from source to receiver. How do primary waves move the rocks […]

Is Cindy Landon married now?

Is Cindy Landon married now? Michael Landonm. 1983–1991 Cindy Landon/Spouse Who did Michael Landon leave his money too? And Clerico continues to buy, renovate, and rent properties to rake in millions. Clerico also received a lot of money from Landon after his death. All Star Bio reports Landon left his money to Clerico, so it’s […]

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