What are things that are worth saving? 55 Smart things to save up for Down payment on a house. A house is probably one of the most expensive things you will ever buy. Vacation. Saving for a vacation is usually easy because motivation is high. Used car. Emergency fund. Index funds or ETFs. New phone. […]
What are the four components of cultural competence?
What are the four components of cultural competence? Cultural competence has four major components: awareness, attitude, knowledge, and skills. How do you describe a culturally competent person? Cultural competence is the ability of a person to effectively interact, work, and develop meaningful relationships with people of various cultural backgrounds. Cultural background can include the beliefs, […]
Are synthetic fibers chemically processed?
Are synthetic fibers chemically processed? Synthetic fibers are made of synthetic materials, usually formed through chemical processes. The fibers are generally extracted during the chemical process using a spinneret, which is a device that takes polymers to form fibers. How fibres are processed to make products? Several spinning techniques are used in the production of […]
Can Social Security seize your bank account?
Can Social Security seize your bank account? If Social Security benefits are your only source of income, private creditors and debt collectors have limited options to get their money. They can’t garnish your Social Security income and they can’t levy your bank account as long as it only contains Social Security income that was put […]
Does being rich mean you are successful?
Does being rich mean you are successful? Is this what we call as success? Here, it is important to know that being rich is definitely being a successful person. Most of the times, success is defined in terms of money. However, again success and rich, these are two relative terms and holds different definitions for […]
What are aquatic ecosystems based on?
What are aquatic ecosystems based on? Aquatic ecosystems include oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, estuaries, and wetlands. Within these aquatic ecosystems are living things that depend on the water for survival, such as fish, plants, and microorganisms. What is the basis of an aquatic pond ecosystem? Farm pond ecology The basis of aquatic life in a […]
Did the Native Americans do math?
Did the Native Americans do math? American Indians generally have had a pragmatic orientation to the use and study of mathematics. In most Indian cultures, mathematics traditionally was practiced by most of our ancestors, when and if they used it, for its value in daily life rather than for its own sake or as an […]
What did emperor Go Toba do?
What did emperor Go Toba do? Go-Toba, in full Go-Toba Tennō, personal name Takahira, (born Aug. 6, 1180, Kyōto, Japan—died March 28, 1239, Oki province, Japan), 82nd emperor of Japan, whose attempt to restore power to the imperial house resulted in total subjugation of the Japanese court. Who was the first emperor of Japan? Jimmu […]
What factors increase birth rate?
What factors increase birth rate? Factors generally associated with increased fertility include the intention to have children, in advanced societies : very high gender equality, religiosity, inter-generational transmission of values, marriage and war, maternal and social support, rural residence, pro family government programs, low IQ. What are two factors that cause the birth rate to […]
What causes air masses to move from one place to another?
What causes air masses to move from one place to another? Winds and air currents cause air masses to move. Moving air masses cause changes in the weather. A front forms at the boundary between two air masses. Types of fronts include cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts. What is it called when two air […]