Who used fire for the first time?

Who used fire for the first time? Claims for the earliest definitive evidence of control of fire by a member of Homo range from 1.7 to 2.0 million years ago (Mya). Evidence for the “microscopic traces of wood ash” as controlled use of fire by Homo erectus, beginning roughly 1 million years ago, has wide […]

Which Mycenaean cities have megaron?

Which Mycenaean cities have megaron? The central feature of Mycenae—as with other Mycenaean citadels, including Tiryns and Pylos—is a great central hall called the megaron, which consisted of a columned porch, vestibule, and main chamber. What was a megaron used for? Megarons were the principal rooms used for feasts, parties, important religious rituals, or receiving […]

What part of speech is consent?

What part of speech is consent? intransitive verb consent part of speech: intransitive verb inflections: consents, consenting, consented What does verbal consent mean? Verbal consent: A verbal consent is where a patient states their consent to a procedure verbally but does not sign any written form. Does consent mean permission? to permit, approve, or agree; […]

How does Venezuela make money?

How does Venezuela make money? 1920s to 1970s: Oil is discovered in Venezuela, which is found to have the world’s largest reserves. The nation’s economic development is based on rising prices and profits in oil exports. Is Venezuela rich in resources? Venezuela’s oil revenues account for about 99 per cent of export earnings. Apart from […]

What are some important things in your life?

What are some important things in your life? What Really Matters – The 7 Most Important Things in Life Peace. Rule #1, protect your peace. Health. So many of us take our health for granted until something life-changing happens, and our health becomes at risk. Family & Friendship. Our relationships are our foundation. Purpose. Purpose […]

What is the importance of rockets?

What is the importance of rockets? Rockets are used to launch satellites and Space Shuttles into space. Their powerful engines allow spacecraft to be blasted into space at incredible speeds, putting them into the correct orbit. How did rockets impact the world? During the Song Dynasty (960-1279), the Chinese invented the first type of rockets: […]

When someone says good luck What do you reply?

When someone says good luck What do you reply? The most obvious and basic response to anyone wishing one good luck on any occasion is “thank you” or any of its many variants. “You too” can be added when appropriate, but would not be if the other person is not in the situation, whatever it […]

What was happening before the Declaration of Independence?

What was happening before the Declaration of Independence? Before the United States of America formed in 1776, the 13 colonies were ruled by Great Britain. The British government then attempted to directly tax the colonists through the Stamp Act of 1765, which required all legal documents and printed materials to have a stamp that could […]

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