Do statutory instruments need parliamentary approval? Once the SI has been debated by a committee, it needs final approval by the Commons before being ‘made’ (signed by the Minister) and becoming law. Under the made affirmative procedure, if the SI is not approved by Parliament within a set time limit (usually 28 or 40 days), […]
Did they have washing machines in the 1920s?
Did they have washing machines in the 1920s? In the 1920s there were over 1000 companies making washing machines. Before automated machines, clothes were typically washed in natural bodies of water, or in basins, with the assistance of a washboard or hand agitating device, like a washing plunger. Which company invented the first washing machine? […]
What are some ways sedimentary rocks are form?
What are some ways sedimentary rocks are form? Three Ways Sedimentary Rocks Are Formed Clastic Sedimentation. Clastic sedimentary rocks are composed of solid, weathered products called clasts, which are chunks of other transported rocks. Chemical Sedimentation. Water moves around rocks, dissolving some of their minerals and resulting in chemical precipitation. Biochemical Sedimentation. What percentage of […]
What is the fastest way to get a birth certificate in Texas?
What is the fastest way to get a birth certificate in Texas? What is the quickest way to order my birth certificate? The quickest way is to order online at How do I purchase a long form birth certificate for my passport? Long-form or full-size birth certificates may be requested online, by mail or […]
Who was Count Cavour and what did he do?
Who was Count Cavour and what did he do? Camillo Benso, count di Cavour, (born August 10, 1810, Turin, Piedmont, French Empire—died June 6, 1861, Turin, Italy), Piedmontese statesman, a conservative whose exploitation of international rivalries and of revolutionary movements brought about the unification of Italy (1861) under the House of Savoy, with himself … […]
Who wrote the great nation of futurity?
Who wrote the great nation of futurity? John L. O’Sullivan Born November 15, 1813 At sea Died March 24, 1895 (aged 81) New York City Nationality American Spouse(s) Susan Kearny Rodgers Who is Mr O’Sullivan referring to? Who or what is Providence? Providence is God – guiding force. Who created Manifest Destiny? editor John O’Sullivan […]
How does data backup work?
How does data backup work? Data Backup – What is it? Backup is the process of creating a copy of the data on your system that you use for recovery in case your original data is lost or corrupted. You can also use backup to recover copies of older files if you have deleted them […]
Where is data interpretation used?
Where is data interpretation used? Data interpretation is very important, as it helps to acquire useful information from a pool of irrelevant ones while making informed decisions. It is found useful for individuals, businesses, and researchers. Why do we need to analyze and interpret data? Scientists analyze and interpret data to look for meaning that […]
What is Piranha 3D Rated?
What is Piranha 3D Rated? R Piranha 3D/MPAA rating Piranha 3DD is rated R by the MPAA for sequences of strong bloody horror violence and gore, graphic nudity, sexual content, language and some drug use. Is piranha OK for kids? This movie is very good, but you should be aware that there is some drinking, […]
What does basic research mean?
What does basic research mean? Basic research is systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts without specific applications towards processes or products in mind. What are examples of basic research? Here are some examples of basic research: A study looking at how alcohol consumption […]