What fish is a parrot fish? parrot fish, any of about 80 species of fishes of the family Scaridae, a group sometimes regarded as a subfamily of Labridae (order Perciformes), found on tropical reefs. Parrot fishes are elongated, usually rather blunt-headed and deep-bodied, and often very brightly coloured. Why is it called parrot fish? The […]
Why did highwaymen do what they did?
Why did highwaymen do what they did? A highwayman was a type of robber who attacked people who were travelling. Some highwaymen robbed alone but others worked in gangs. They often targeted coaches because they did not have much defence, stealing money, jewellery and other valuable items. The penalty for robbery with violence was to […]
How do you save cheats on Star Wars Force Unleashed?
How do you save cheats on Star Wars Force Unleashed? ENABLE save game WITH cheats ON The game cannot be saved when non-costume codes are enabled. To bypass this, enable the code on a level that has an auto-save point. After reaching that location, intentionally die or press Start. Exit to the main menu then […]
Which is an example for plant growth inhibitor?
Which is an example for plant growth inhibitor? Examples are auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins. Plant Growth Inhibitors – These chemicals inhibit growth and promote dormancy and abscission in plants. An example is an abscisic acid. What are the two growth inhibitors in plants? The top two plant growth inhibitors are: (1) Abscisic Acid and (2) […]
How does a violin work simple?
How does a violin work simple? A violin produces sound by vibrating any combination of its four strings. Violin playing requires two distinct techniques performed by a player’s two hands. The left hand is used for producing specific pitches. This is done by pressing down on the violin’s strings at various points along its fingerboard. […]
What car has the least mechanical problems?
What car has the least mechanical problems? Here are nine cars for your consideration with the fewest problems. Chevrolet Equinox (Top-rated compact SUV) Toyota 4Runner (Top-rated midsize SUV) Chevrolet Tahoe (Top-rated large SUV) Toyota Sienna (Top-rate minivan) Nissan Frontier (Top-rated midsize pickup) Ford F-150 (Top-rated large light-duty pickup) What is the most mechanically reliable car? […]
What are two outcomes of the Korean War?
What are two outcomes of the Korean War? What are two outcomes of the Korean War? No real winner emerged victorious from the Korean War. The sole reason why American soldiers were in Korea was to stop the spread of communism. The Soviet Union and China succeeded in making at North Korea a communist state, […]
Is oatmeal good for house plants?
Is oatmeal good for house plants? ‘Oats aren’t just a healthy way for people to start the day; they’re great for houseplants too,’ he says. ‘This organic, nutrient-rich grain includes vitamins and essential minerals such as iron and phosphorous, which help plants thrive. Try mixing a couple of spoonfuls into the soil once a month. […]
Does brown rice contain gluten?
Does brown rice contain gluten? Does Rice Have Gluten? All natural forms of rice — white, brown, or wild — are gluten-free. Natural rice is a great option for people who are sensitive to or allergic to gluten, a protein usually found in wheat, barley, and rye, and for people who have celiac disease, an […]
What is voice in one word?
What is voice in one word? 1 : sound produced by vertebrates by means of lungs, larynx, or syrinx especially : sound so produced by human beings. 2 : the faculty of utterance : speech. Other Words from voice. voice transitive verb voiced; voicing. What is the difference of voice? Voices differ from person to […]