What is the purpose of the Iditarod? Redington had two reasons for organizing the long-distance Iditarod Race: to save the sled dog culture and Alaskan huskies, which were being phased out of existence due to the introduction of snowmobiles in Alaska; and to preserve the historical Iditarod Trail between Seward and Nome. What were sled […]
How many MPs in India are graduates?
How many MPs in India are graduates? Education-wise, 43% MPs have graduate-level education, 25% are post-graduates and 4% of members have doctorates in various subjects. How many members are there in the Lok Sabha 2020? The maximum membership of the House allotted by the Constitution of India is 550 (Initially, in 1950, it was 500). […]
Is studying forensic hard?
Is studying forensic hard? This is one of the most difficult courses you’ll take when working on your forensic science degree because it focuses on an objective and rigorous science approach to investigation, meaning that subjective reasoning and analysis is absent. Do you need a lot of math for forensic science? Like many scientific tests […]
How are metamorphic rocks classified identify the characteristics of each of these classifications?
How are metamorphic rocks classified identify the characteristics of each of these classifications? Metamorphic rocks are classified as either foliated or non-foliated. Foliated rocks have layers of mineral grains. Non-foliated rocks have little or no layering. One rock can become many different types of metamorphic rock depending on the heat, temperature, and fluid conditions during […]
How long must the contracting officer wait to award a contract if there is a protest regarding small business size?
How long must the contracting officer wait to award a contract if there is a protest regarding small business size? 15 business days Normally, a contracting officer will wait the 15 business days before continuing with award of the contract, unless the “the contracting officer determines in writing that an award must be made to […]
What does ringtail mean?
What does ringtail mean? 1 : raccoon. 2 : a carnivore (Bassariscus astutus) of the western U.S. and Mexico that is related to and resembles the raccoon. Are ringtail cats mean? They’ll eat anything, really: insects, lizards, small birds, fruits, and nuts. Ringtail cats are fairly small creatures, usually weighing between two to three pounds. […]
Can DVDS be traced?
Can DVDS be traced? They wont be able to “find” you if your not already on their radar. don’t do illegal things if your worried about being tracked. Speaking of fingerprints, be careful not to leave any on the physical disk. Do dvds remember where you left off? Last-position memory dates back to the days […]
Why are protostars more luminous than the sun?
Why are protostars more luminous than the sun? The low-mass protostars (those up to about 5 solar masses) are initially much more luminous than the main sequence star they will become because of their large surface area. Most of the energy produced by the protostar is from the gravitational collapse of the cloud material. Are […]
What is the total mass or weight or living organisms in each trophic level?
What is the total mass or weight or living organisms in each trophic level? biomass Each trophic level has a certain mass of living material at a particular time called as the standing crop. The standing crop is measured as the mass of living organism (biomass) or the number in a unit area . The […]
What is a child born out of an affair called?
What is a child born out of an affair called? An illegitimate child, born in a relationship between two persons that are not married (ie. not in wedlock) or who are not married at the time of the child’s birth. What is a child of infidelity? Ana Nogales, Ph. D., author of Parents Who Cheat: […]