What are the causes of curriculum reform? These are: 1) Problem identification and general needs assessment 2) Needs assessment for targeted learners 3) Goals and objectives 4) Educational strategies 5) Implementation 6) Evaluation and feedback [6]. However, curricular reform is not just about the technical pedagogical aspect. How do I start a curriculum reform? Eight […]
Why was it important for the United States to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion?
Why was it important for the United States to suppress the Whiskey Rebellion? Why was the suppression of the Whiskey Rebellion important to the new government of the United States? Lasting from 1791-1794, the Rebellion involved a tax protest in the 1790s. The suppression of the Rebellion showed the new government was willing and able […]
Are Libras and Scorpios similar?
Are Libras and Scorpios similar? Libra and Scorpio have been called the “relationship signs” for their coupling capacity. Relationships are as important for Libras, but more happens for them at the plane of thought. Libra falls in love first with the idea of being together. Scorpio is the most lucid and reality-based water sign. Why […]
Is ice a mixture or a compound?
Is ice a mixture or a compound? ice is a compound. Is ice cream made of molecules? Ice cream is a type of emulsion, a combination of fat and water that usually wouldn’t mix together without separating. Fats are largely composed of a class of molecules called triglycerides, with very small amounts (less than 2%) […]
What hacker can break a password?
What hacker can break a password? Brute Force Attack 1. Brute Force Attack. In a brute-force attack, the attacker tries to crack the password by submitting various combinations until the correct one is found. The attacker uses software to make this process automated and run exhaustive combinations of passwords in significantly less amount of time. […]
How much does it cost to run a US military base?
How much does it cost to run a US military base? The Department of Defense Comptroller’s Office estimates the total cost of overseas bases and deployments at US$24.4 billion in fiscal year 2020. These figures generally exclude the costs of ongoing combat operations. How much money is spent on military bases? The United States spent […]
Does a new car battery give you better gas mileage?
Does a new car battery give you better gas mileage? A full charged battery works like a blessing for the fuel injectors that add fuel in the cylinders. If the battery is not full charged then the fuel is not fully added and it results in reduced mileage. In such case you will be able […]
How long does Adsep process take?
How long does Adsep process take? * Each step in the process takes time, and can vary widely in duration. From start to finish, the process usually takes at least 2 months and can take over a year to complete. What is non duty disability evaluation system? A non-duty related Physical Evaluation Board (NDR-PEB) may […]
Which country is a major buyer of wheat in the world?
Which country is a major buyer of wheat in the world? The country hopes to decrease their dependence on wheat imports in years to come. The United States is one the world’s chief exporters of wheat…. Characteristic Nigeria 2017/2018 5,162 2018/2019 4,659 2019/2020 5,338 2020/2021 5,100 Where are the largest markets for wheat? Below are […]
What is tiger Favourite food?
What is tiger Favourite food? Tigers are the biggest cats on the planet! The average weight of a tiger is about 700 lbs. They consume about an average of 35-110 pounds of meat at a given time. Their favorite food is deer and wild boar. Some of their favorite deer species are sambar, chital, swamp […]