How does Melinda describe Ms Keen?

How does Melinda describe Ms Keen? Melinda admires and pities Ms. Keen. She feels that she could have been a doctor or a famous scientist, and instead gets stuck in high school. How would you describe Melinda from speak? intelligent, artistic, and reserved. Melinda can be quite witty and eloquent in her own head, but […]

What is the capacity of the human heart?

What is the capacity of the human heart? In humans, the heart is roughly the size of a large fist and weighs between about 10 and 12 ounces (280 and 340 grams) in men, and between 8 and 10 ounces (230 and 280 grams) in women, according to Henry Gray’s “Anatomy of the Human Body.” […]

What was the name of the essays written by James Madison John Jay and Alexander Hamilton that encouraged the ratifying of the Constitution in New York?

What was the name of the essays written by James Madison John Jay and Alexander Hamilton that encouraged the ratifying of the Constitution in New York? The Federalist Papers Alexander Hamilton Defends the New Constitution The Federalist Papers, a series of eighty-five newspaper essays published anonymously, were in fact written in defense of the Constitution […]

What does competitive edge mean?

What does competitive edge mean? a competitive edge: a factor which gives (a person, a company) an advantage over enemies, rivals, etc. What is a competitive edge example? Three great examples include: McDonald’s: McDonald’s main competitive advantage relies on a cost leadership strategy. The company is able to utilize economies of scale and produce products […]

What does it mean to have stardust in your eyes?

What does it mean to have stardust in your eyes? Idiom: have stardust in (one’s) eyes. To be uncritically or unrealistically optimistic. Have stardust in one’s eyes? have stardust in (one’s) eyes To have an overly idealistic or optimistic outlook, usually regarding one’s hopes for success. I doubt she’ll actually become a famous actress—she just […]

Where does the energy in an apple come from?

Where does the energy in an apple come from? Here’s what happens when you eat an apple: The carbohydrate breaks down into a sugar called glucose and enters your bloodstream (where it’s termed “blood sugar”). That sugar travels to your cells, where it’s turned into energy for your body. Is an apple hanging on a […]

What affects the air flow into the lungs?

What affects the air flow into the lungs? Air flows because of pressure differences between the atmosphere and the gases inside the lungs. Air, like other gases, flows from a region with higher pressure to a region with lower pressure. Muscular breathing movements and recoil of elastic tissues create the changes in pressure that result […]

Do pro golfers ever miss the ball?

Do pro golfers ever miss the ball? Believe it or not, yes, professional golfers haven been known to whiff a shot. But almost never on a full swing (for example, a driver or iron shot). For pros, the exceedingly rare whiff usually happens one of two ways. How long do PGA players have to hit […]

What are the factors that influence growth?

What are the factors that influence growth? 10 Factors That Influence the Growth and Development of a Child Heredity. Heredity is the transmission of physical characteristics from parents to children through their genes. Environment. Sex. Exercise and Health. Hormones. Nutrition. Familial Influence. Geographical Influences. What are traits influenced by? Traits are determined by genes, and […]

What is adware and examples?

What is adware and examples? By definition, adware is any piece of software, malicious or not, that displays advertisements on a computer. Most often, however, people use the word adware to refer to malicious software that shows deceptive ads, flashing pop-up windows, large banners, and full-screen auto-play commercials within their web browser. Is adware harmful […]

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