What is the highest operatic female voice? For females, the highest voice type is the soprano. In operatic drama, the soprano is almost always the heroine because she projects innocence and youth. Within this category, there are other sub-divisions such as, coloratura soprano, lyric soprano, and dramatic soprano. Who is the best operatic soprano? The […]
How did the Franco-Prussian War lead to ww1?
How did the Franco-Prussian War lead to ww1? Most importantly though, the Franco-Prussian War set the stage diplomatically for World War I. The Treaty of Frankfurt, which ended the war on 10 May 1871, took most of Alsace and parts of Lorraine from the French and gave them to the Germans. What were the results […]
How is Major League Baseball organized?
How is Major League Baseball organized? Major League Format. The 30 teams in MLB are divided into two leagues: American and National. Each league is divided into three divisions: East, Central, West. The teams play other teams in their own division the most, and play very few (no more than six) games against teams in […]
What college should I go to if I want to be a paleontologist?
What college should I go to if I want to be a paleontologist? If you want to focus on vertebrate paleontology, the University of Chicago offers a graduate program. The school has state of the art technology and is constantly making new discoveries with its research. Students can also make their own contributions to the […]
What does the Catholic Church say about the origin of the universe?
What does the Catholic Church say about the origin of the universe? origin of the universe Catholic Christians believe God is an omnipotent and transcendent creator. Their beliefs are based on the teachings of St Augustine (ex nihilo) and the book of Genesis. They believe that the creation story is not meant to be taken […]
What is guitar in simple words?
What is guitar in simple words? : a flat-bodied stringed instrument with a long fretted neck and usually six strings played with a pick or with the fingers. What kind of instrument is a guitar? plucked stringed musical instrument guitar, plucked stringed musical instrument that probably originated in Spain early in the 16th century, deriving […]
How many floors in Blizzard Cave?
How many floors in Blizzard Cave? 20 floors It has a total of 20 floors. Completing Blizzard Island grants access to a cave on Blizzard Island, Crevice Cave….Blizzard Island. ← Mystifying Forest Blizzard Island Crevice Cave → ← Sky Peak Mountain Path How many floors are in crystal Cave Pokemon? 11 floors Crystal Cave (Japanese: […]
What causes coagulation in eggs?
What causes coagulation in eggs? When it is heated the runny yolk and white (albumen – which is the major source of protein) turn solid. The proteins in the egg start to thicken, a process known as coagulation. As the meat is heated, the proteins coagulate and shrink. The heat causes the muscles fibres to […]
Was the Homestead Act in the West?
Was the Homestead Act in the West? After the South seceded and their delegates left Congress in 1861, the Republicans and other supporters from the upper South passed a homestead act. The homestead was an area of public land in the West (usually 160 acres or 65 ha) granted to any US citizen willing to […]
What are the political changes that occured in the 19th century?
What are the political changes that occured in the 19th century? The 19th century was a period of great political and social change, including social reforms affecting education, poverty and public health, and reform of the franchise. The Home Office was created in 1782 to supervise the internal affairs of Great Britain, with particular emphasis […]