What is ECE branch in engineering? Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE) involves researching, designing, developing and testing of electronic equipment used in various systems. It also deals with the manufacturing of electronic devices, circuits, and communications equipment. What type of branch is ECE? ECE (Electronics and Communication Engineering) and EEE (Electronics and Electrical Engineering) are […]
What are the structures on leaves that release oxygen and water vapor?
What are the structures on leaves that release oxygen and water vapor? The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the leaf (as well as the loss of water vapor in transpiration) occurs through pores called stomata (singular = stoma). What part of a leaf allows carbon dioxide oxygen and water to pass into and […]
What kind of math do you need to become an accountant?
What kind of math do you need to become an accountant? Accounting programs usually require business and management courses as well as statistics. While some degrees may require a higher math course, it’s really lower math operations and basic algebra that will help you most. So if you struggled through calculus in high school or […]
What is a simile for old?
What is a simile for old? Some common synonyms of old are ancient, antiquated, antique, archaic, obsolete, and venerable. What are some similes for time? Time is like money; the less we have of it to spare, the further we make it go. Time, like a brilliant steed with seven rays, and with a thousand […]
What profession is Mr lorry?
What profession is Mr lorry? In Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities, Jarvis Lorry is a banker who works out of Tellson’s bank, which has a branch in Paris. When Lucie Manette becomes an orphan after her father is mysteriously imprisoned in the Bastille and her mother dies, Lorry brings her back to England to […]
What is the Paleo diet in a nutshell?
What is the Paleo diet in a nutshell? A paleo diet typically includes lean meats, fish, fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds — foods that in the past could be obtained by hunting and gathering. A paleo diet limits foods that became common when farming emerged about 10,000 years ago. These foods include dairy products, legumes […]
What muscular organ holds the fetus during pregnancy?
What muscular organ holds the fetus during pregnancy? The uterus is a hollow, muscular organ in which a fertilised ovum becomes embedded and develops into a fetus. Its major function is protecting and nourishing the fetus until birth. During pregnancy, the muscular walls of the uterus become thicker and stretch in response to increasing fetal […]
Is Equatorial Guinea in West Africa or Central Africa?
Is Equatorial Guinea in West Africa or Central Africa? Equatorial Guinea is on the west coast of Central Africa. The country consists of a mainland territory, Río Muni, which is bordered by Cameroon to the north and Gabon. In which part of Africa is Equatorial Guinea located? Africa Equatorial Guinea/Continent Where is Malabo found? Equatorial […]
Does Wai mean water?
Does Wai mean water? Wai-Māori: (freshwater). This is referred to as ordinary water which runs free or unrestrained and it has no sacred associations. What does Kaha mean in Hawaiian? To scratch Kaha (kă’-ha), v. 1. To scratch; to mark the surface of; to write; to make indefinite marks. 2. To cut; to hew, as […]
How many square miles of territorial waters are there in the Philippines?
How many square miles of territorial waters are there in the Philippines? The Philippines has an exclusive economic zone that covers 2,263,816 square kilometers (874,064 sq mi) of sea. It claims an EEZ of 200 nautical miles (370 km) from its shores. This is due to the 7,641 islands comprising the Philippine archipelago. How many […]