What are the water resources in Virginia?

What are the water resources in Virginia? Virginia’s water resources are vast and varied. They come from groundwater, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, bays, and oceans. Groundwater can be found beneath the Earth’s surface. A river is a large natural stream of fresh water flowing along a definite plane, usually into the sea. What is Virginia’s largest […]

Which OS is based on UNIX?

Which OS is based on UNIX? Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, Chrome OS, Orbis OS used on the PlayStation 4, whatever firmware is running on your router — all of these operating systems are often called “Unix-like” operating systems. How many types of UNIX OS are there? There are primarily two base versions of […]

Are hamsters cannibals?

Are hamsters cannibals? Typically, wild hamsters aren’t cannibals. But in northeastern France, scientists have observed hamster mothers eating their still-living babies. The scientists have shown that the cannibalistic behavior is caused by the hamsters’ diet. Do hamsters eat their dead? It’s an instinct like the store owner said.In the wild,they will eat a dead hamster […]

Can kidney disease be transmitted sexually?

Can kidney disease be transmitted sexually? People with kidney disease can get sexually transmitted diseases, so safe sex is important. Sexually transmitted diseases can occur in people with kidney failure just as they can in anyone else. How are kidney stones spread or transmitted? The stones break down into small particles and are easily passed […]

What is the difference between the common priesthood and the ordained priesthood?

What is the difference between the common priesthood and the ordained priesthood? The difference between common priesthood and ministerial priesthood is that common priesthood is the vocation all of God’s disciples are called to (following in Jesus’s footsteps) and ministerial priesthood is when someone has received ordination and can administer the sacraments. What does it […]

What are the 5 emergencies?

What are the 5 emergencies? Know How To Handle The 5 Major Medical Emergency Situations Heart attack. When the heart does not get the blood it needs, the cells get damaged and the heart muscles die due to an oxygen deficit. Traumatic head injury. Burns. Stroke. Convulsions. What are different types of medical emergencies? Don’t […]

Why are file formats important?

Why are file formats important? File Identification The file extension allows computer users to quickly identify the nature of a file’s contents. Users can group, sort or order files in a directory by file extension. This provides a simple method of keeping all files of the same type together, making searches through lists of files […]

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