Where do UN peacekeeping troops come from?

Where do UN peacekeeping troops come from? They come from nations large and small, rich and poor. They bring different cultures and experience to the job, but they are united in their determination to foster peace. Currently, the majority of troops come from African and Asian countries, while the contribution of western countries is increasing. […]

How long can a turtle live flipped over?

How long can a turtle live flipped over? It depends on where it turns upside down. If under a light, and a small tortoise, then maybe an hour (just a guess) as they become dehydrated very quickly. The larger the tortoise the longer they will survive, but still hydration under a light will kill. Does […]

What is the medical term for excessive blood loss?

What is the medical term for excessive blood loss? Hemorrhage is the medical term for bleeding. It most often refers to excessive bleeding. Hemorrhagic diseases are caused by bleeding, or they result in bleeding (hemorrhaging). What happens when you lose an excessive amount of blood? If you lose too much blood, your brain doesn’t get […]

How do you calculate your SS benefit?

How do you calculate your SS benefit? We base Social Security benefits on your lifetime earnings. We adjust or “index” your actual earnings to account for changes in average wages since the year the earnings were received. Then, Social Security calculates your average indexed monthly earnings during the 35 years in which you earned the […]

What brands of hot dogs are kosher?

What brands of hot dogs are kosher? Are these Hot dogs Kosher? Brand Product type Heinz Hot Dog Relish Pareve Rotella’s Wholesome Hot Dog Bun Pareve Abeles & Heyman Hot Dog Relish Pareve Abeles & Heymann Uncured Hot Dogs Glatt What kosher hot dogs lack? The primary difference between Kosher and non-Kosher hot dogs is […]

Which protein gives heat coagulation test positive?

Which protein gives heat coagulation test positive? albumin Heat Coagulation Test : White coagulum or Turbidity or precipitate is obtained which increases after addition of 1 drop of acetic acid. White coagulum is obtained due to denaturation of albumin by heat i.e. albumin is a coagulable protein. How does the heat coagulation test be used […]

How many km are in MM?

How many km are in MM? Kilometers to Millimeters table Kilometers Millimeters 1 km 1000000.00 mm 2 km 2000000.00 mm 3 km 3000000.00 mm 4 km 4000000.00 mm What is 1 km equal to in millimeters? Kilometers to millimeters conversion table Kilometers (km) Millimeters (mm) 1 km 1000000 mm 2 km 2000000 mm 3 km […]

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